New Years Day (January 1)
The annual ABCDEFGHIJ! ride departs at 12 noon from the square in the center of Medina, Ohio. The only services provided for this ride are a map, public roads on which to ride, and places in which to warm up during the ride. Route choices include 3, 12, and 24 miles or almost any other distance in between.
Personalized recognition certificates are available for 25 cents after your ride.
Early May, the Sunday before the Mother's
Day weekend
The annual KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! departs at 9:00
am from the BGSU Firelands Campus in Huron, Ohio for an 85 mile, "self-sufficient" tour of the Firelands area of Ohio.
The only services provided on this ride is a map and
public roads on which to ride. That's it. No sag wagons, food stops, arrows, nothing else. Come prepared to ride and take
care of yourself. This is a good warmup ride for TOSRV (the following weekend).
Late September
The annual, low-key MORON ride departs at 9:00 am on a Sunday late in September from a parking lot
outside Mifflin, Ohio (just east of Mansfield). This 45 mile ride takes a rather hilly route through the Mohican State Forest
and past the Malabar Farm with a stop for lunch at the Malabar Inn. The only service provided is a map and public roads to
ride on.
Last Saturday of October
The annual FFF(FFFF) departs at 10:00 am from the square
in the center of Medina, Ohio. The only services provided for this ride are a map, public roads on which to ride, and a cider
stop where the 28 mile and 50 mile routes split. Dracu-Lou has been known to make an appearance to serve the cider.