Adventures in Indonesia


In December 1991, David got sent on a three week business trip to Indonesia. While there, he worked at Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantrara (IPTN), located at Bandung, on the island of Java. Anne came along and afterwards, we spent another week on the island of Bali.

A Hindu temple in Ubud, on Bali

Rice paddies in western Java











Inside the crater of a volcano (Gunung Papandayan) on Java. Anne is admiring a sulphur spire.









Anne and our guide Mara on a bamboo raft, near Garut in western Java















Crossing a bamboo bridge somewhere in western Java


The beach at Sanur, on Bali, with a volcano visible in the distance.










Workers in a tea plantation in western Java










Clove fields in western Java











A Hindu temple near Ubud, on Bali















What Water Buffalo are used for...


Making friends in a small village in western Java










Anne enjoying the bamboo house we rented in Ubud, on Bali










A pura dalem (temple of the dead) in the Monkey Forest, south of Ubud on Bali














Tilling a rice paddy in western Java




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