Adventures in Turkey


In October 1995, we visited Turkey. In our two weeks there, we explored Istanbul and enjoyed the countryside around the town of Dalyan on the Mediterranean coast.

The 1600 year old Hagia Sofia, in Istanbul - formerly a Byzantine basilica, then a Moslem mosque, now a museum.


Anne enjoying a ferry ride up the Bosporus.


Our ferry, docked in Anadolu Kavagi, near the Black Sea terminus of the Bosporus



Freighter traffic near Sariyer, on the Bosporus






Purse seiners on the Bosporus, viewed through an arch in a Byzantine castle above Anadolu Kavagi






Anne examining carpets in Istanbul



Fishing boats along the Sea of Marmara in Istanbul


A fish market along the Sea of Maramara in Istanbul







Enjoying a hearty meal at the Green Hotel restaraunt in Istanbul




Anne relaxing at our pension in Dalyan. On the far shore are ancient Lycian tombs.













Swimming in the lake at Koycegiz










On a Mediterranean blue cruise near Fethiye





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