The HOUSE of BEAR Region 2 ABATE Info


region meeting page
Calender of events
State & Region 2 Events
Events Around the Region
Bussinesses that support Region 2 ABATE
Events in Starke County
Events in LaPorte Co
Events in Pulaski County
Events in Lake County
Events in Jasper/Newton
Events in Porter County
Links to other regions and organizations around the state
Region 2 review
Lake Riders 2010 calender
Crown Point Motorcycle Training Site
Region Officer contacts
Bears favorites

Region 2 Secretary Report will be posted here.



JUNE 2011


Meeting began at 9:10 am at Matt’s House. Treasurer’s report was read, Beginning balance $3,428.88, Ending balance $3,319.66. Accepted by Don, 2nd by Ron Boyer. Bear conducted a walk through for the Region 2 Event to be held July 2nd, for the Indiana Burn Camp on Matt’s property. Discussed field events, port-a-johns, and entertainment. Setup is Friday between 3-4 pm. Camping will be available. Clean up was discussed. Dwight donated a hog. Discussed liabilities of fireworks at event, all counties voted no.


Old Business:


Ride to MDA Camp this year – Region 2 had 28-30 bikes, with a total of about 38 bikes.
Ultimate Bike Show reported a good turnout this year, as well as Summer Madness. The Jasper/Newton Skills Challenge was a great time, even though it rained. Bear talked about the 2011 Membership Drive – if you sign up 10 new members, your fee is paid.


The Carol Ann Max Award Committee has not reported a decision on procedures yet. Barb made a motion – 4 votes per county, 4 votes for Region. Nominees must be current member with at least 10 years. The person or their heir(s) must accept the nomination. The member needs to have helped ABATE, not only in their county but also at the Region level. A paragraph must be submitted stating reasons for nomination to aid those voting. Each County nominates someone within Region 2, not necessarily from that County. It is up to the County Rep to report the nominations, and the outcome of the County votes for the Carol Ann Max Award to the Region at the appropriate time. Motion was 2nd by Dee, all in favor.


Bear discussed the insurance coverage purchased for events from ABATE of Indiana and the limitations. Barb said coverage for locations must be done as an underwriting policy.


Region 2 Calendars are being handled by Laney. Pictures and sanction dates need to be submitted by the end of September to her to make this happen.


New Business:


Good public relations to sign up members at other local events such as county fairs, etc. John Panek is working with the fairgrounds for Lake County Bike Night Event.


Walk through for MDA at noon on August 21st, at LaPorte County Fairgrounds. Please turn in MDA shirt sponsors by July 2nd event. There will be advertising for event set up in July for week before event. We will be on X-Rock one week prior to event at 6 pm. Boogie gate duty roster is full. Discussed how workers are chosen. See Bear for tickets for the bike. August is nominations for County and Region, September County only. 



County Reports:


Starke – Mule Ride on July 30th at the Sandbar on Bass Lake. Great time, great food. Honoring fallen members. Ride leaves at 2 pm. August l3th is Young and Old Party.


Jasper/Newton – No events until December.


Pulaski – 25th Annual Polar Bear, 1st weekend in October.


Porter – Porker Run in September – Leroy’s


LaPorte – Haunted Trail coming in October


Lake – No events until December


25 year members that have passed were remembered – Beasley, Mudrick. For the Spacey Dave Award this year, there are over 20 members that will get the Spacey Dave Award this year at $35+ each, we need to find an award that is more cost  efficient.


Discussion of W-9 forms needed for donations involving non-profit organizations.


Judy Mac volunteered to make keys for Region 2 Trailer.


August 21st next Region Meeting at MDA walk through at LaPorte County Fairgrounds.


Ron and Christine told us that Culvers is interested in being a new vendor at MDA ride


Motion to adjourn meeting by Barb, 2nd by Ernie. Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.