Hidden Lake Farm - Beefalo
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The Beefalo Beef Breed
Discover the superior natural genetic traits of Beefalo.

Beefalo Beef Cow

Beefalo, a Bison and Bovine hybrid, provides today's producers and consumers with the best genetics of both species.  A fullblood Beefalo, exactly 3/8 Bison and 5/8 Bovine, may consist of any Bovine breed or breeds.
Beefalo, a beef breed recognized by the USDA, produces meat with unique and highly desirable qualities.  Because of these qualities, the USDA approves the roll-stamping of processed meat from registered animals as Beefalo Beef.
Beefalo exhibit the following superior characteristics:
  1. Long production life
  2. High conception rate
  3. Calving ease
  4. Superior feed conversion
  5. Excellent foraging ability
  6. Climate adaptability
  7. Excellent yield
  8. Genetically lean meat.



Beefalo Nutritional Information
Properly cooked, Beefalo meat is delicious.  The meat is tender and has a slightly sweeter taste than regular beef.  It is high in protein and very low in fat.  Because of the lower fat content, Beefalo meat will cook in 1/3 to 1/2 the time of regular beef.
The chart on the right offers a comparison of cholesteral found in Beefalo, regular beef, flounder, chicken, and turkey.


Hidden Lake Farm * Ray & Jo Kelly * 616-899-5553