The Troubled Life and Times of Mason Capwell

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Special Edition of SOD - September 12, 1989
A special edition about the Soap Hall of Fame and the most beloved characters - guess who was a part of that?

The Secret Behind being a Soap Fan's Favorite
"Multidimensional characters are by far the most interesting and audience-grabbing ones on any of the soaps," says Santa Barbara creator Bridget Dobson.  On her show, the audience has become particularly enamored of two characters - the hilariously funny Gina and the cryptic, brooding Mason. 
"With Mason, there's this whole built-in dilemma where he's always trying to win his father's attention, good or bad.  His struggle for acceptance and to find his own way brings a lot of depth to his character and puts him in many precarious situations."
Note from ME:  Please note that this article was only on the best of the best - the Erica's, Rachel's, Viki's, etc.  So, for our Mason to be among these is quite the honor!

Another side note - this magazine is one that is in pretty good shape considering it is over 15 years old.  I had Lane and Nancy both sign this magazine for me.  Although Nancy had no clue that Lane had signed it - she thought why is this gal bringing me this to sign when the pic is so 80's!  :-)


Hall of Fame - Mason Capwell
The cryptic offspring of magnate CC Capwell and his ex-wife, Pamela, Mason has spent a good deal of his time on SB doing battle with alcohol and with his father, with whom he seems incapable of sustaining a normal relationship.  In fact, Mason is one of those complex psychological characters who seem unable to sustain a "normal" relationship with anyone.
When Mason first appeared, he wanted to bed down with Santana, but it wasn't long before he ended up in the arms of Gina - who just happened to be his father's wfie at the time.  That little scenario complete, Mason found a true soulmate in Mary, but she was killed.  Mason was devasted, but he wasn't destined to be alone.
He met his intellectual match in Julia, with whom he had a child, and he was nice and married Tori when she was pregnant, but liquor got the better of him.  Prior to marrying Julia, he developed a split personality, and he spent half his days as Sonny Sprockett, a cowboy lounge lizard.
Sonny cast Julia aside and married Gina, who had a plan in motion that would help them bilk CC of his millions.  But after Mason was shot and spent some time in heaven, he decided that he was Mason once and for all and that Julia was the gal for him.  Never a dull moment with this guy, especially lately, as he tries to lay off the sauce.
Next to the picture - King of the literate one liners, Mason has always been an enigmatic character, the more so after he's had a few.  Despite being born into a wealthy family, he's hit bottom more than once, and has been known to have a notorious eye for the ladies.  Julia's love has supposedly straightened him out, but we'll see how long that lasts.

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