408 unknown civil war soldiers |
Mt.Olivet Cemetery Frederick,MD. |
These unknown soldiers were killed at the "Battle of Monocacy" close to Frederick,MD. It was the battle to save Washington,D.C.
It was a Confederate victory,but at a great price of life. My gr-gr-grandfather,Cpl.James B.Brady of Co.I,the 17th.Virginia
Cavarly,also gave his life on that battlefield,July 9th.,1964.
We have family histories for sale,including the "Brady family" of West Virginia.Also"The Westfall and Walker"
families of West Virginia. Carl Brady is a genealogy researcher,with over 30yrs.experience.
Special Offer
I charge $8.00 per hr,looking up census and other vital files,plus postage. These charges are the lowest rates around.
How To Order
I will accept checks or money orders for researching fees or orders. Mailed checks or money orders to: Carl Brady,189
Willow Rd.S.E.,Carrollton,Ohio 44615
The Westfall Family-Jurien Westfall the ancestor-Holland/Germany to his decentants of West Virginia.Includes
the Harper,Walker and other West Virginia familes. Only $26.00,S&H is free!