At the 2006 Synod Assembly a resolution was passed directing the Committees for Church in Society, Music and Spiritual
Life and Community Lutheran Partners, Inc., to provide among other things a response to hunger within the territory.
As a result a hunger resource, "The Extra Row" was created. The title reflects the Appalachian tradition,
which comes from the Old Testament, of planting extra to share. The resource has three parts:
1. Theology of Hunger by The Rev. Brian Bennett, pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church,
Morgantown, WV.
2. Worship Resources, which includes a worship service with a hunger emphasis, devotions
and hunger stories from throughout the synod.
3. Hunger Resources: web resources for those seeking new ways of doing hunger ministry
Copies of this resource were given out at the 2009 Synod Assembly and 1000 mini disks were given to Tour de Revs to give
out in their travels. A few mini disks are still available. Contact us at to obtain a copy.