Elect Steve Dwyer to the Court of Appeals

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Welcome to the campaign website of Judge Steve Dwyer who successfully won his race for Court of Appeals Judge for the Washington State Court of Appeals Division I on the November 8, 2005 ballot.   We appreciate your support.


Total Votes

% of Total

Steve Dwyer 42,638 30.7
J. Robert Leach 23,436 16.9
David F. Hulbert 22,458 16.2
Seth Fine 18,572 13.4
Michael Hall 11,468 8.3
David W. Freese 11,197 8.1
Harold Field 8,507 6.1


< There are 724 voting precincts in Snohomish County >

< In 13 precincts two candidates tied with the most votes >

Precincts Won

% of 724

Steve Dwyer 597 82.5
David F. Hulbert 65 8.9
J. Robert Leach 60 8.3
Seth Fine 11 1.5
David W. Freese 4 0.5
Michael Hall 0 0.0
Harold Field 0 0.0

Message to Voters

Our confidence in the judicial system depends upon our confidence in the judges who administer the law.  For over two decades as an elected official, Judge Steve Dwyer has proven himself worthy of our trust and confidence. 

Steve Dwyer served three terms as a City Councilmember in Edmonds, where he continues to live with his wife, Karen, and his son, David.  He was elected to three terms as a District Court Judge, where his fellow judges recognized him for his excellence by electing him as President of the State District and Municipal Court Judges Association, and as their representative on the Board for Judicial Administration. 

In 2003, Judge Dwyer was named the State’s “Outstanding Judge” by the Washington State Bar Association.  He was similarly honored in 2001, when he was named “Judge of the Year” by the Washington State Trial Lawyers Association.  He is only the second judge in state history to receive both awards; he is the first judge from Snohomish County to receive either honor.

In January 2004, Governor Locke appointed Judge Dwyer to the Snohomish County Superior Court bench.  He has proudly served the citizens of Snohomish County in that capacity since that time.

Over 170 judges from every court level and geographic region of Washington have endorsed Judge Steve Dwyer, as well as many Washington State dignitaries.  Click here to see this prestigious list of supporters.

Judicial Qualifications

Please see Judge Dwyer's full resume enclosed herein or jump to a particular topic by clicking on the link to the left. 

Contact Information                       

Elect Judge Dwyer Committee
PO Box 1265, Edmonds, WA  98020-1265
Electronic mail
General Information: electjudgedwyer@verizon.net
Webmaster: electjudgedwyer@verizon.net


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Send mail to electjudgedwyer@verizon.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 7/13/2010

Sponsored by Re-Elect Judge Dwyer Committee s  PO Box 1265 s  Edmonds, WA  98020-1265
2010 Campaign Photography Provided By Kirkendall-Spring Photographers