Atom Age Vampire {1} Attack From Space {2} Attack of the Giant Leeches {10} Attack of the Monsters (aka Gamera vs. Guiron) {8} Attack of the Mushroom People {8} Attack of the Puppet People {9}
Battle Beyond the Sun {7} Beast With a Million Eyes {6} Black Friday {1} Blood of Dracula {6} Blood of
the Vampire {2} Bride of Frankenstein {2} Burn, Witch, Burn! {1} Calling Dr. Death {1} Cat People (1942) {1}
Creation of the Humanoids {3} Creature From Black Lake {2} Creature From the Black Lagoon {4} Creature of
Destruction {6} Cult of the Cobra {2} Curse of the Faceless Man {4} Curse of the Swamp Creature {1} Curse of
the Undead {1} Curucu, Beast of the Amazon {2} Dagora, The Space Monster (aka Space Monster Dogora)
{10} Day The World Ended {5} Dead Man's Eyes {1} Destroy All Monsters {12} Destroy All Planets (aka
Gamera vs. Viras) {9} Die, Monster, Die! {6} Don't Be Afraid of the Dark {2} Donovan's Brain {5} Dracula
(1931) {2} Dracula Has Risen From the Grave {3} Dracula Prince of Darkness {4} Dracula vs. Frankenstein {6} Dracula's
Daughter {2} Evil Brain From Outer Space {3} Face of Marble {4} First Man Into Space {2} Frankenstein (1931)
{2} Frankenstein Conqueres the World {8}Frankenstein Created Woman {1} Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster {3} Frankenstein
Meets the Wolf Man {3} Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed {2} Frankenstein's Bloody Terror {4} Gamera vs. Monster
X (aka Gamera vs. Jiger) {8} Gargoyles {5} Godzilla King of the Monsters {6} Godzilla
on Monster Island {4} Godzilla vs. Megalon {4} Godzilla vs. The Cosmic Monster (aka Godzilla vs.
the Bionic Monster, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla) {2} Godzilla vs. The Thing (aka Godzilla vs.
Mothra) {4} Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster {9} Godzilla's Revenge {5} Gog {4} Horror House {1} Horror
Island {2} House of Dracula {3} House of Fear (1939) {1} House of Frankenstein {2} House of Horrors {1} I
Was a Teenage Frankenstein {8} I Was a Teenage Werewolf {8} Invasion of the Neptune Men {2} Invasion of the Saucer
Men {5} Invisible Agent {1} Invisible Invaders {3} Isle of the Dead {1} It Came From Outer Space {2} It
Conquered The World {7} Journey to the Seventh Planet {9} King Kong Escapes {6} King Kong vs. Godzilla {4} King
of the Zombies {6 Konga {5} Magic Serpent {2} Majin, Monster of Terror (aka Daimajin)
{10} Man Made Monster (aka Atomic Monster) {2} Man-Eater of Hydra (aka
Island of the Doomed) {6} Mark of the Vampire (1957) {1} Monster From a Prehistoric Planet
(aka Gappa The Triphibian Monster) {3} Monster Zero (aka Godzilla vs. Monster Zero)
{6} Monster on the Campus {2} Murders in the Rue Morgue (1971) {1}Mystery of the Wax Museum {1} Night Key {1}
Night Monster {1} Night of the Blood Beast {7} Night of the Blood Monster (aka The Bloody
Judge) {5} Planet of Blood (aka Queen of Blood) {7} Planet on the Prowl
(aka War Between the Planets) {2} Planets Against Us {1} Red Planet Mars {5} Reptilicus {9} Return
of Giant Majin (aka Return of Daimajin) {9} Return to Boggy Creek {1} Revenge of the Creature
{1} Revenge of the Zombies (1943) {6} Rodan {9} Scars of Dracula {2} She-Wolf of London {1} Slaughter
of the Vampires {2} Tarantula {5} Teenage Caveman {4} Terror Beneath the Sea {2} Terror From the Year 5,000
{7} Terror in the Crypt {5} Terror in the Wax Museum {1} Terror of Mechagodzilla {3}
