Case 1
Bart:  Horse, lameness
Bart had visible lameness in his left shoulder that was especially noticeable at the beginning of a training session. He could work out of it after a 5 to 10 minute at-liberty warm-up, however if this was skipped prior to being ridden, he was very unhappy, uncomfortable and tended to be uncooperative. After a few months of bi-weekly energy healing sessions, the lameness gradually diminished until it was no longer visible and his happy, playful attitude returned. The lameness has never reappeared.

Case 2
Roy:  Dog, arthritis
Roy was diagnosed with arthritis in his left elbow at 5 years old. He could no longer do his favorite things of running, wrestling, and going on trail rides with his owner, without it flaring up. Regular weekly or bi-weekly healing sessions keep Roy free of pain. He is able to run with his doggie friends and play like he was still a pup. It has been over 2 years since Roy has needed an appointment with the holistic vet for an acupuncture tune-up.

Case 3
Rickie:  Horse, painful hooves
Rickie is currently 18 years old, but has had very tender, always painful feet since he was about 4 years old. If he didn't have at least front shoes on he could barely walk. Rickie receives bi-weekly energy healing. He has been completely without shoes for 2 years and is back to running and bucking with his pasture mates.

Case 4
Cody:  Horse, emotional trauma
Cody came to his current owners from an abusive home. Although he healed physically, the post traumatic stress prevented him from trusting anyone. When being ridden, Cody would regularly "check-out" where the owner felt very unsafe. After Cody's 3rd energy healing session, he never "checked-out" again. He and his owner have developed a very close partnership based on trust and mutual affection.  They are currently competing in endurance and competitive trail rides.

Case 5
Bella:  Horse, unhealthy social behavior
Although Bella was given energy healing as a way to help her adjust to her new home and owners, dramatic changes have also occurred in her personality and demeanor. Over a few months, Bella has developed healthier social interactions with both humans and other horses. She also has a calmness and serenity about her that was missing in her very first session.

Case  6
Princess:  Cat, kidney failure
Princess was never one to freely accept energy healing until she began feeling all of her 18 years. At that time she was also diagnosed with kidney failure. Energy healing helped to minimize the symptoms. Unexpectedly, the relationship between Princess and her owner was also enriched with mutual respect and understanding. When Princess neared the end of her time here on earth, energy healing helped her to transition from this life easily and peacefully.

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Universal Energy Healing
Allison Hill Rd
Newark Valley, NY 13811
607.972.4637  or  607.761.5539