
Applying Wraps
Arrow Wraps
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Applying Wraps
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How do you put these things on?????
    Never wrapped your own arrows?  I'm here to help.  It isn't very difficult and there is a small amount of pride to be felt at building your own arrows.  Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or questions...  

Step 1:  Prepare your shafts.
     If your arrows are already fletched, you will need to remove the old fletchings.  I do this with a sharp knife.  Scrape all of the fletching and glue off until the blade slides easily over the shaft.  It there is still glue, you will feel the resistance on your blade.  I rotate the shaft while scraping back and forth until the entire area feels smooth.
     After you have removed all the old residue, you need to wipe the shaft down.  I use laquer thinner or acetone.  These products are solvents.  Some people suggest alchohol, but I believe it doesn't do as good a job as a true solvent to remove glue.  I spray the cleaner onto the shaft and wipe off the glue with a paper towel.

Step 2:  Prepare the wrap...
     To apply the wrap, I use a mouse pad or notebook as a soft base to put the wrap on.  Take your wrap and start peeling it from the backing.  Place the peeled wrap, sticky side up, on the pad and hold the very edge with your finger nail.   Continue to peel until the wrap falls from the backing.  Make sure it is wrinkle free and try to touch the adhesive side as little as possible.

Step 3:  Apply the Wrap
     Position the arrow shaft along the long side of the wrap.  I look down at the shaft and make sure there is an even gap along the shaft and the wrap edge.  This will ensure the wrap goes on straight.  If you are using a wrap with a flame cut out, make sure the longest flame tip will not end up past the end of the shaft.  Once you are confident with your positioning, just roll the shaft over the wrap and you have now wrapped your own arrow....

Step 4:  Fletch Away......
     I also enjoy fletching my own arrows.  Some don't and that is fine too.  If you don't have the equipment or know how to do your own, take your newly wrapped arrows to the local shop and ask if they will fletch them for you.  Make sure you tell them where you got your wraps, give them my website, and tell them dealer pricing is available.....:)
    If you do your own fletching, fletch away.  I do not do any extra cleaning of the wraps before I fletch mine.  If you feel the need, I would suggest just using a dry cloth or paper towel so as not to damage the printing.

Pictures Coming soon!!!!!

Pathfinder Arrow Wraps      812-865-4663