The Ten Commandments

1.    You shall worship and honor the Lord, your God.  You shall not worship
        any idiols.

You shall not worship any statues, pictures, graven images, or the like.  There is also
a "passive" form of idolatry, which is much more sneaky.  When you place other
things, such as money, television, credit cards, human "heros" or other things at a higher
priority than God, you are committing IDOLATRY!

2.    You shall not take the Lord's name in vain.

This means that you shall not say bad things against God.  This also includes the use of
a common phrase "God damn it!".

3.    You shall keep the Sabbath holy.  As I have rested on the seventh day,
        so shall you.

This means that you shall not do ANY heavy labor that is not necessary.  This includes
major installations, major repairs, major house cleaning, and more.  However, jobs that
absolutely cannot wait until the start of the new week, such as police work, fighting fires,
defending yourself and/or others, doing simple maintainence housework such as pre-
paring meals and doing dishes is fine.

4.    You shall honor your mother and father.

This commandment states that you must respect and take care of your parents.  As
for respect, you must respect them to the degree allowed by God's law.  For ex-
ample, if your mother tells you to go out and kill your neighbor, you are NOT to do
that.  This does NOT mean that you have to give into unreasonable demands, such
as making straight A's in school when this is not feasible.
5.    You shall not kill.
This simply means that you are not to go out and murder your neighbors.  This also
includes abortion and "mercy killing".  This also includes suicide.  In fact, if you
commit suicide, you run a SERIOUS risk of going to HELL--FOREVER!  This is
one sin that you will not have time to repent for!

6.    You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not have sexual intercourse with anyone but your OWN wife (if you have
one).  You are to not LOOK at someone with a sexual intent.

7.    You shall not steal.

This is pretty simple.  However, there are exceptions, such as being in desperate need.
For example, even King David eat the consecrated break, which was lawful only for
priests to eat.  He also gave some to his companions who were also hungry and in
need.  Also, some things are ASSUMED to be ok to "help your- self to," such as salt,
pepper, napkins, and the like.  However, it is GRAVELY sinful to steal even a small
amount from a poor person.

8.    You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

This means that you are not to lie in order to get others into trouble or even to agree
to lies that are destined to get someone into trouble.  This is a GRAVE sin if an inno-
cent person gets punished severely or executed.

9.    You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.

This commandment means that you are not to wish that someone else's wife was your
wife.  A classic example here is seeing a woman that may look "prettier" than your
wife, so that you wish that SHE was your wife instead.  This leads to adultery.
10.    You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
This means that you are not to wish that someone else's goods belonged to you.  This
often leads to jealousy and stealing.  A potential solution is to PRAY that you can own
something just like the thing that you wish you owned.

This page was written by John Nozum
with the help of Jesus Christ.

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