This page gains access to copies of the deed books for Grundy County.I am currently working on Book "G",hope to have it finished by end of March,2001.There is a prnted version in some libraries of Books "A","B", and "C".I do have a copy handy.The records are not complete,as I didn't put exact land boundry measurments down.I did include the naem of the grantor(seller) the grantee(buyer,as well as names of landowners on adjacent property mentioned in the deed records.I also included an index to all names mentioned,as well as a index for Grundy co place names.
For those wanting copies,yes,I will do the lookups.However,I expect to be reimbursed for my time.I do have parts of books "A","B","C" and all of books "E","G","H",and "I" available to me at this time.If you find a name on the Index page that you want looked up,please let me know and arrangements will be made. For more information on lookup services and copies to be made,click here.