The following is a letter from Mary Paden,dated dated sept 29,1909,sent to Mr Gilbert Cope of West Chester,Pennsylvania.I recieved a copy of tis letter from Denise Cope who recieved it from another Cope descendent.(The anme escapes me at this time)David Cope also e-mailed me a copy.
Kind sir, Yours just recieved and will reply at once by giving what information that I can according to my mothers memory,who certanly was a Cope.Her father was a Cope and married a Cope.Her mothers great-grandfather and her fathers grandfather were brothers and came over from England,but,do not know their given names nor where they first settled. Her mothers grandfather's name was James Cope(a baptist minister) and had children by the name of William,Stephan,Joseph,Bradford,and Sarah & there was another girl or two.Her mothers father's name was William(a farmer) & married Elisabeth ,childrens names-Britanni,Stephan,Louisa,James,Harris Bradford,and Talitha.Louisa being my mothers mother. My mother father's father name was Andrew Cope(a farmer),& married Miss Wallace,first time.Childrens names Elisabeth,John,James,Wallace,Cynthia and Wiley,the last being my grandfather.The second marriage was to Elisabeth Mason.Childrens names Susan,Sarah,Nancy,Jackson,Madison,Mason,Joshua,Melcina, Charlotte,and one called Peggy. And now I will write my grandparents family record on your enclosed list and perhaps my fathers and mothers also on a seperate sheet.Will here give address of mothers only living brother(who is a baptist minister) and sister.They each have nine children and some grandchildren. Mr John B Cope Mrs Cynthia P Curnutt Claude,Texas Broken Arrow,Okla One of mothers cousins,while living,had I think written something of the genealogy of his family & suppose his sister might give information whose address I suppose is still the same,which was Miss Rachel S and Mollie P Cope Cassville P.O. White Co,Tenn. We are not permanently located,but expect to be at this address below a year or more and will be pleased to hear from you again whether or not you think we are the same generation or descent of same. Yours Truly, Mary P Paden Moutain Grove,Mo Sep 29,1908 P.S. Since thinking,mother remembers that her grandfather on her fathers side had a sister by the name of Juda,who married a Mr. Provins.He also had a brother she remembers,but not his name,but some of his childrens names were Andrew,Jesse and John. This grandfather lived in eastern Tenn. removed to middle Tenn. M.P.P.
This letter mentioons the relationship of James Cope (1776-1874)of Warren County,Tennessee with Andrew Cope,they being first cousins.
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