News on the Stephen Cope Family

The below data was given to me by Betty M Majors on my recent trip to McMinnville.It came from a photocopy of a book that is or was in the possession of a Trudy Coppinger.How she fits in the Cope's I have yet discovered(or I know and just don't realize it).On the margin is written "Bought in Warren County on the 1st thursday in August on Eleection Day in 1833."The Females Praticle Monitor or Guide to Health" by Thom A Anderson,M.D., 1832".This was someones journal,as they kept records of the family init.Who the original owner was is unknown at this time.I have typed it as it was written.Some of it is new stuff.It gives all 16 children of Stephen Cope and Comfort Bouldin,something that most of us did not have.It also gives their exact birth and death dates.

I have made the changes to my records and have updated the descendency chart.So if you would like a copy,it is there.I will hopefully in the next year start researching land records in order to find where Stephen & Comfort exactly made their home(or homes).Would also like to solve the problem of where they are buried.

Stephen Cope,senior was born Feb 12th 1806
William Cope was born Feb 15th 1824 on sunday
Wiley Cope was born Nov 29th 1825
Sarah Cope was born Oct the 10th 1826 and deceased Dec 2 1831
Stephen Cope Jun was born Sep 25th 1827
Mahala Cope was born Nov 13th 1828 and cecease Dec 17 1831
(?)Hetty Jane Cope was born Apr 22nd 1830 and deas July 31st 1832(?)
James H B Cope was born Sept 24th 1831
Nancy Cope was born Nov 17th 1832
Eqr John Cope was born May 28th 1834
Luesey W Cope was born July 28th 1835
Syntha Jane Cope was born Dec 8 1836 and dec. Aug 11 1837
Salina Patton Cope was born Mar 8th 1838
George W M Cope was born Jan 12 1840
Mary Cope was born Sept 14,1841
Joseph S Meeks was born NOv 17th in the year of our lord 1849
Irvin Sanders was born Aug 10th 1852 and died June 24th (no year given)
Mary Sanders was born Jun 21st 1857 and deas. the 7th day of Sept 1857
S.C. Sanders was born Sept 7th 1858
RJ(?)AJ(?)BJ(?) Sanders was born April 22 1836
Stephen Cope deceased Oct 8 1885
Comfort deceased Apr 28 1898
Sofona Ann Cope was born June 28th 1843
Comfort Cope was born Oct 5 1805
Effy D Cope was born Feb 17 1845
(page 2)
Saliney Sanders departed this life June 23,1871
Wm Lafayete Sanders son of Salina Sanders was born Feb 27th 1871
Elijah J Sma_____ born Nov 9th _____
_______Sanders was born March 1(?) 1862
A H Sanders was born Mar 14 1865
______ Sanders was born Mar 15 18__
 (more,can not make out)
S P Cope county county (?)
George Sanders born Dec 25 1874
(recent) Mrs Lola King, Beersheba,TN
Lavisey Sanders died Aug 31 1916(?)
Comfort Cope died Apr 28 1898
Ernest Sanders was born Apr 12,1889
This is the month of March the 6th day of 1901  my dear freind Ernest Sanders was 
born April the 12 1889 and ______   May 16 1910

March, 2003 Update

This is an updated list of children of Stephen Payne Cope/Comfort Bolin.

Stephen Cope & Comfort Bolin descendents
1,613 descendents 2,329 including spouses
William Cope- 10 children,160 descendents, 2 internet contacts 
Wiley Cope - unknown
Sarah Cope- died young
Stephen Cope,Jr- 2 known children,95 descendents
Mahala Cope- died young
Hetty Jane Cope - died young
James Harrison Bradford Cope- 11 children,129 descendents, 1 internet contact
Nancy Cope Sanders - 6 children,64 descendents , 1 internet contact
John Rodgers Cope - 9 children,256 descendents, 6 internet contacts
Louisa Cope Sanders - 7 children,833 descendents, 3 internet contacts
Syntha Jane Cope - died young
Selina Cope Sanders - 6 children,3 grandchildren,no internet contacts 
George Mack Cope - 4 children,no internet contacts 
Mary Cope Meeks - 13 children, 62 descendents, 1 internet contact
Sophrona Ann Cope Fults - 11 children,24 descendents, 1 internet contact
Effie Cope Smart - 8 children,27 descendents, 1 internet contact

Michael Fromholt  John Rodgers Cope
Tim Meeks  Mary Cope Meeks
Deb DeRouin  John Rodgers Cope
Andrea Ummell  James H B Cope
J Johnson    Louisa Cope Sanders
Nadine McWain  Louisa Cope Sanders
Dolly Sanders Onkst  Louisa Cope Sanders
Sherry Clark  Effie Cope Smart
Judy Russell  John Rodgers Cope
Ron Cope   John Rodgers Cope
Patsy Testement John Rodgers Cope
Blaine Fults  Sophrona Ann Cope Fults
Jo Shafer  John Rodgers Cope
Colleen Peterson Nancy Cope Sanders
Susan Kilgore Norman  William Cope
Merrily Burgos   William Cope