Warren Co.,TN Cope marriages,1900-1950

Below is a list of the marriage records of Cope's married in Warren County,Tennessee between 1900 and 1950.It was taken from a book titled "Warren Co,TN Marriages,1900-1950".

  from the book Warren Co,TN mariages,1900-1950
(c) stands for "colored" 

PAGE    GROOM                        BRIDE                         DATE
1       Jasper Cope(c)               Vesta Patterson(c)            10 feb,1900
12      Charles Roberson(c)          Bell Cope(c)                  27 Jan,1901
15      Charles D Cope               Dora Mulligan                 23 Jun,1901
17      Doctor Keele(c)              Mollie Cope(c)                7 Sep,1901
42      J R Cope                     Virgie Hudgens                21 Aug,1904
43      G P Cope                     Edith Judkins                 14 Sep,1904
48      Sam Foster(c)                Katy Cope(c)                  10 Apr,1905
52      W B Cope                     Eva Couch                     25 Dec,1905
54      J L Thaxton                  Bell Cope                     1 Feb,1906
71      B T Cantrell                 C E Cope                      12 Jan,1908
81      Davis Cope                   Sallie Mitchell               20 Mar,1909
85      Mitch Smith(c)               Cynthia Cope(c)               13 Sep,1909
88      George Thomas                Edna Cope                     2 Jan,1910
93      J L Finger                   Maggie Cope                   20 Oct,1910
93      Oscar J Rankin(c)            Lexie Cope(c)                 26 Oct,1910
95      Rheney Safley                Leona Cope                    25 Dec,1910
98      Ben Donihue(c)               Bessie Cope(c)                23 Apr,1911
101     Harrison Cope(c)             Mary Massey(c)                1 Oct,1911
109     Charles Bright               Carries Cope                  8 Nov,1912
110     W V Dunlap                   Ophia Cope                    25 Dec,1912
122     H F Cope                     Myrtle Phipps                 16 Jul,1914
122     Hardie Cope(c)               Jessie Massey                 lic issued 1914,no return
140     J H Cope                     Sallie Cope                   29 Jun,1916
141     G P Cope                     Lon Safley                    9 Sep,1916
147     H L Walling                  Sallie Cope                   25 Mar,1917
148     Magness Cope                 Josie Zwindle                 18 Apr,1917
157     Hobart Cope(c)               Minnie Robinson(c)            15 Jun,1918
160     Arch Cope(c)                 Birtie Barnes(c)              22 Dec,1918
164     Lawrince Cope(c)             Marinda Bilbrey(c)            31 May,1919
166     Robert Roller                Nellie Cope                   14 Sep,1919
171     Wm Howard Lynn               Mecca Lee Cope                28 Dec,1919
178     Will Cunningham              Lillie G Cope                 31 OCt,1920
179     J W Roller                   Gracie Cope                   26 Dec,1920
189     Thomas Hudson                Zona P Cope                   1 Feb,1922
189     J C Slatton                  Roena Cope                    2 Feb,1922
195     Jimmie Cope                  Ruth Cotton                   11 Oct,1922
200     Gentry Cope                  Vestie Cope                   5 Feb,1923        
210     Hershal Turner               Percie Cope                   14 Mar,1924
211     Jim Brown(c)                 Velma Cope(c)                 15 Apr,1924
216     Easton Cope                  Vena Cope                     2 Nov,1924
217     V E Cope                     Anna Maria Womack             lic issued 1925,no return
224     Charlie Cope                 Betty Dowell                  12 Jul,1925
230     C C Hildroth                 Roberta Cope                  27 Mar,1926
233     C H Mooneyham                Mrs Della Cope                1 Jul,1926
235     Charles Byrd                 Blanche Cope                  11 Sep,1926
237     Robert Isbell(c)             Mary Cope(c)                  13 Nov,1926
243     P R Bartholomew              Eunice Lucille Cope           22 May,1927
246     H C Cope(c)                  Bessie Biles(c)               4 Aug,1927
251     William Elam(c)              Bessie Cope(c)                3 Jan,1928
252     C H Cope                     Jane Tubb Butler              25 Jan,1928
259     John T Sparkman              Cora T Cope                   30 Sep,1928
263     Gilbert M Miller             Rubye Cope                    15 Jul,1929
271     Will DeLong                  Hassie Cope                   30 Nov,1929
276     J Willis King                Dovie Ann Cope                15 Jun,1930
279     H R Avery                    Sallie Ann Cope               7 Dec,1930
281     King Cope                    Willie Gribble                27 Feb,1931
285     Sammie Cope                  Pauline Goff                  27 Sep,1931
296     Alvin Cope                   Virgie Roller                 7 Jan,1933
297     Tolbert Cope                 Ruby Denton                   26 Feb,1933
299     Fred Patterson               Juanita Cope                  29 May,1933
307     Waymon Cope                  Ermon Hunter                  26 Mar,1934
309     G P Cope                     Ellie Gibbs                   15 May,1934
323     Jewell Brady                 Edna Cope                     10 Aug,1935
333     Royce Cope                   Tommie Stubblefield           4 Jul,1936
340     Will Etter(c)                Annie Mae Cope(c)             21 Jan,1937
346     J P Bratcher                 Rosie Cope                    10 Sep,1937
346     John G Tidwell(c)            Rena Cope(c)                  6 Oct,1937
351     Luther Smith                 Bessie Cope                   5 Frb,1928
356     Waymon Cope(c)               Nona Thomas(c)                28 OCt,1938
360     Alvin Cope                   Lois McDowell                 29 Mar,1939  
362     Austin Cope                  Frances Jones                 22 Jul,1939
370     Orville Moore                Grace Cope                    12 Jun,1940
375     Elam Green                   Eva Pearl Cope                18 Oct,1940
377     Lawrence Wm Locke            Zelma Cope                    27 Jan,1941
390     John Walter Terry(c)         Priscella Cope(c)             12 Jul,1943
398     Lonnie Hill                  Audrey Cope                   12 Jan,1946
405     Hardy Cope(c)                Ruth Grayson(c)               25 Oct,1947
412     John Malcolm Crothers        Eva L Cope                    22 Nov,1949
416     John D Greene                Daphne Cope                   1 Jun,1950