Ichabod WOODARD,the 3great-grandfather to Charlene,was born in Essex County,New Jersey,this according to census records and to family history.It has been said thet his parents were William and Marhta WOODARD,this has shown on death resords of Athens county.However,I have been unable to find anything on the parents in New Jersey records,which is not surprising considering the state of New Jersey.It seems a lot of people that I've talked with over the years have had problems with research in this state.Meanwhile,Ichabod married Sarah BENNETT of Connecticut.It is unknown where this took place,but probably in New York.They lived for awhile in Delaware County in New York,where he operated a mill on the Delaware River near present day Delhi,NY. A spring flood wiped out the mill,so he packed up his family and headed west.He stopped in Muskingum Couny,Ohio for a short time,before finaly settling in Starr Twp of Hocking County,Ohio.

Sarah BENNETT was the daughter of Nathan BENNETT and Mary BEERS.There are a few books about these two families, since there seems to be a lot of descendents interested in the history of both the BEERS & BENNETT families.Mary BEERS great grandfather,Anthony BEERS,came from Gravesend,England in the early 1600's,first settling in Massachusetts.The grandfather of Nathan,Thomas BENNETT,came over from England in the late 1600's,he to settling in Massachussetts.Both families also settled along the coast in Connecticutt.

    Ichabod WOODARD and Sarah BENNETT (picture at right)had 12 children.With the help of census records and the two ladies named below,I have quite a few of their descendents in my data base.I have most descendents up to 1920.I would like to get more,obviously.

    My wifes' line stayed in Starr Twp of Hocking county untill about 1912,when her grandfather moved his family to the Payne,Ohio area.A few other relations had moved there already,Paulding county was one of the last counties to be settled in the state of Ohio,this being it was all pretty much a heavily wooded swamp up to the beginning of the 1900,s,when it was finaly completely drained and cleared., leaving some of the best soil for farming in the state.A few other relatives moved farther west to Iowa and beyond.I have some of these lines as well

I also now have early school pictures of Benton Twp classes in Paulding county,probably taken about 1920.


This page has pics of cemeteries and tombstones of the Woodard ancesters.Some Trout and Jones graves as well.

    BENNETT DATA-13 geanerations, 807 individuals, 1,191 including spouses
    BEERS DATA18 generations, 1,186 individuals, 1,783 including spouses



    LINDA WESTFALL--she lives in Nelsonville,Ohio,a second cousin to Charlene.Has helped supply a lot of my information.
    SUZANNE KALEY--of Northville,MI.A recent supplier of info,her line went to Iowa and Missouri. Contact her at kaleys@msn.com.

    I can be reached at