Germany Trip


1st September

We arrived in Frankfurt just before 9:30 local time. Customs was quick, as they didn't even look through our bags. Peter was waiting for us, as we headed towards our first stop, the city of Heidelberg. We ate there and saw the ruins of the old castle, as well as the old city marketplatz, where the Evangelical Lutheran Church stands.

Then we rode up the Neckar River valley, towards where we would be staying through Saturday afternoon. We arrived at the very small village of Rentzen, where we made our selves at home at he Haus Auf Limes. A small pension ran by Herr und Frau Truckenmuller. They have a working fruit farm, consisting of apples, plums and grapes. They make their own distilled spirits, as well as renting flats (small apartments) to guests. Although we didn't have time to visit, nearby up over the hill is an ancient roman watchtower. We spent the rest of the day getting over jetlag.