Wednesday, January 24, 2007
WxService Update Available
- WxService ow4j070124 (download)
- Localized and customized decimal formats for the various formatter tasks. This facilitates easier modifications to the
formatter task posting formats.
- WxMonitor ow4j070124 (download)
- Localized and customized decimal formats for the various instrument displays. This eliminates the illusion of precision
for devices that do not warrant it. For example, the humidity sensor has an accuracy of 5%, so four significant digits to
represent humidity would be misleading.
11:35 pm pst
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
WxService Update Available
- WxService ow4j070116
- Converted the web service implementation from JAX-RPC to the new preferred standard, JAX-WS. This new design can self-publish a web service, so it no longer needs a separate web server, such as Tomcat. Installation
and administration requirements are greatly simplified. Startup time and memory demands are dramatically reduced.
- The new server requires version 1.6 of the Java runtime environment (JRE 6.0), which contains the JAX-WS classes.
- Completely refactored the packaging to organize the classes by function.
- Made the RMI and web services more symmetrical.
- WxMonitor ow4j070116
- Made changes to accomodate the new server architecture. The original monitor is not compatible with the new JAX-WS web
service definition (WSDL).
- The new monitor also requires JRE 6.0 because it contains a JAX-WS client.
Because JRE 6.0 contains all of the web service support in JAX-WS, the new distro no longer has to package all of the JAX-RPC
jars, so the size dropped from nearly 8MB down to about 1.3MB.
10:37 pm pst
WxService Tech Note
I am in the process of converting WxService from JAX-RPC web services to the preferred JAX-WS library. Please see the
Software Status section at the bottom of the Java Weather Software page for more information.
12:08 pm pst
Thursday, January 11, 2007
WxService Tech Note
I just tested the 1-Wire Weather Service for Java with the newly-released Java 6.0 runtime environment (JRE), and I discovered
that this version breaks the web service mode. You will need to use WxService and WxMonitor with JRE 1.5.x until I have a
chance to find and fix the problem.
7:06 pm pst
Sunday, January 7, 2007
WxService Update Available
12:40 am pst
Monday, January 1, 2007
WxService Update Available
- WxService: ow4j070101
- Added hygrometer custom calibration parameters
- Improved hygrometer threading courtesy (reduces lock time on 1-Wire MicroLan), improving accuracy for time sensitive devices,
such as anemometers
- Tweaks and improvements for rain gauge
- Updated version and copyright info to 2007
- WxMonitor: ow4j070101
- Changed nomenclature from "avg:" to "rate:" on rainfall summary table
- Updated version and copyright into to 2007
5:35 pm pst
Contact Us
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This site is dedicated to my interest in engineering. I use it as a place to just put stuff "out there" for anyone who
might be interested, as well as a job search tool. This page contains my engineering web log (to your left). Anything that
seems timeless enough, or too involved for a log entry may get it's own page as a full-blown article. And, of course, my resume
is here for anyone who might be considering hiring me to do something. Email me.
About Me
I have worked as a broadcast engineer, electronics designer (analog and digital) and software developer. I especially
enjoy audio engineering, although I've been writing software for the last several years, since that's where the opportunities
are in the Pacific Northwest (this is Microsoft country after all). I'm currently working as a Senior Staff Engineer -- Resume at another large independent software vendor in Washington State.
I majored in mathematics and physics in college. Other interests include music appreciation (baroque, classical and early
romantic, ragtime, and 60's and 70's rock & roll), high fidelity audio electronics, meteorology and of course, computing
hardware and software. I tend to think a lot like this guy.