Sunday, October 7, 2007
Weather Underground Rapid Fire Issues
For weather stations that observe continuously (such as every second) but post wind data periodically (such as every
10 minutes), METAR recommends posting the mean value observed over the previous two minutes, and the peak value observed in the last ten minutes
(or since the last report). Weather stations that observe continuously and post continuously (such as every second), post
the current value. Weather Underground Rapid Fire is an example of the latter. Weather stations can post data
as often as once a second. This works fine for the Rapid Fire browser gadgets, such as the 5 Minute Wind Interval graph, updated
continuously. Weather Underground has a problem with the personal weather station history graphs in Rapid Fire
mode. The personal weather station history graphs chart the continuously posted data every five minutes, apparently discarding
the intervening data. If they are going to sample the continuous data every five minutes, then the sampling function needs
to average all of the samples received in the previous two minutes and peak-hold all of the samples received in the previous
five minutes. Otherwise, gusts will be missed between samples. When sampling continuous data, it is very important to ensure
that the sampling process does not discard data.
11:37 am pdt
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This site is dedicated to my interest in engineering. I use it as a place to just put stuff "out there" for anyone who
might be interested, as well as a job search tool. This page contains my engineering web log (to your left). Anything that
seems timeless enough, or too involved for a log entry may get it's own page as a full-blown article. And, of course, my resume
is here for anyone who might be considering hiring me to do something. Email me.
About Me
I have worked as a broadcast engineer, electronics designer (analog and digital) and software developer. I especially
enjoy audio engineering, although I've been writing software for the last several years, since that's where the opportunities
are in the Pacific Northwest (this is Microsoft country after all). I'm currently working as a Senior Staff Engineer -- Resume at another large independent software vendor in Washington State.
I majored in mathematics and physics in college. Other interests include music appreciation (baroque, classical and early
romantic, ragtime, and 60's and 70's rock & roll), high fidelity audio electronics, meteorology and of course, computing
hardware and software. I tend to think a lot like this guy.