
This module transmits a serial frame of data. The serial frame consists of a start bit followed by the data bits msb first, an optional parity bit, and one or more stop bits. The number of data bits, parity, and the number of stop bits may be specified. The done signal indicates the data are all clocked out and a new transfer may be started. Data are latched with the first rising clock edge simultaneous with the go pulse. This module is compatible with SerialRx.v.


clkinputThe clock input.
goinputInput data are sampled on the next rising edge of clock and the transfer initiated.
ininputThe paralle data to be transmitted.
soutoutputThe serial stream output by this module.
done  output  When asserted, indicates that the data are transmitted and a new word may be transmitted.


dwidth9The number of data bits in the serial frame.
parity"n"Parity: "n", "e", and "o" for none, even and odd, respectively.
stop1The number of stop bits.
factor16The number of clock cycles per serial period.
ctrwidth  7The bit width of an internal counter. Must be large enough to count to dwidth plus parity plus stop plus one.


Example instantiation in Verilog:

wire		[11:0]	data;

    #(.dwidth(12), .parity("e"), .stop(2), .factor(44), .sampledelay(66))
    recv_inst (.clk(clk), .go(go), .in(data), .sout(s), .done(e));