On a go trigger pulse, a done pulse is output a programmed interval later. The internal interval counter and a busy signal are available, and the counter may count either up or down. A multi-level trigger may be input (Trigger.v).
clk | input | The clock input. |
interval | input | The timed interval. |
reset | input | Reset input, which restores the idle state to both the timer itself, and its trigger logic (Trigger.v). |
go | input | A vector of triggers. |
en | input | Enable; the state is frozen when not asserted. |
busy | output | Timer is running; not asserted while awaiting triggers. |
trigstate | output | The state of the trigger. |
done | output | Done; asserted when the interval is counted. |
ctr | output | The counter, which counts on each enabled clock cycle. |
width | 32 | The bit width of the internal counter; must be large enough to hold interval-1. The width of interval is one greater. |
gobits | 1 | The number of triggers; see Trigger.v. |
direction | "up" | The direction ctr counts, either "up" or "down". |
- The parameter width limits the maximum interval that can be counted. Choose a value that can accommodate the largest value anticipated for the application. For an interval = 2n, width must be ≥ n. The width of interval is one greater than width, so that it can hold the number 2width.
- At the completion of the time, which is when the done port is asserted, the final value of the counter ctr is held: interval-1 for direction = "up" and 0 for "down".
- A reset resets the state of the timer, regardless of its state.
- The go signal reinitializes the timer for a new cycle regardless of the timer's state, although reset has precedence.
- Multiple go bits implement a multi-level trigger as per Trigger.v. The parameter gobits = count in the latter module. gobits = 1 (default) implements a simple trigger.
- The timer holds its state when en is deasserted, although reset and go have precedence.
- The interval is latched when if it is nonzero and when the counter is triggered, i.e., the trigger sequence completes. Similarly, busy becomes active when the trigger sequence completes.
- If interval is zero, the done output echos the output of the trigger sequencer, whether it be single or multi-level.
- All operations are synchronous with the rising edge of the clock.
Example instantiation:
wire tr[1:0];
wire ctr[11:0];
timer_inst (
.interval(38), // need not be a constant, nor constant
.go({arm, go}), // can have one or more triggers (see Trigger.v)
.en(1'b1), // need not be constant