Guestbook - 1999

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  Visitor: Allison
Reference: duh!!!
 Location: NAPL
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Dec 30, 1999 at 12:08:47 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Greg Adolphson
Reference: Mikey
 Location: Ameritech
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 13:58:51 (EST)
Comments: You da man.
  Visitor: Sharon Leger
Reference: search engine yahoo
 Location: Crockett, Tx
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 05:36:21 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Jennifer Dockum
Reference: Previous visit
 Location: Hanover, Virginia
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 17:53:53 (EST)
Comments: Hello everyone, it has been awhile. We have a 10 month old daughter named Allie who has been diagnosed with PFFD. She is being treated by Dr. Hertzenburg in Maryland. She was just recently fitted with her first prosthesis, which really just looks like her second foot. She is having trouble keeping it on her leg, even when we have it strapped as tight as it will go. Did anyone else have this problem? She is scheduled to have her first surgery this coming summer to fix her ankle and maybe get some length out of her tibia, before her first lengthening. Thanks for this website.
  Visitor: Cindy Hussey
Reference: Been here before
 Location: Rhode Island
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 14:25:21 (EST)
Comments: Just dropping in to say hi. Haven't written in a while. Branden's just over two now- 26 months to be exact. He is finally starting to attempt walking. He's pulling up on all the furniture and is trying to cruise, but not quite getting that yet. The other day he was standing straight up from a sitting position on the couch. Every time he would to that he fell right over. It was really fun watching his determination. Love to hear from some of you guys once in a while. Hugs to all the kiddos Cindy
  Visitor: Carol Buffi
 Location: Utah
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 02:38:23 (EST)
Comments: My 5 yr old daughter will be having her first legthening surgery with an Ilizarov device in about one week. I wish I had found this Web site sooner. I need more info and advise on what to expect and how to help my daughter.
  Visitor: Laura Johnson
Reference: browsing
 Location: Madison, SD
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Nov 04, 1999 at 00:32:57 (EST)
Comments: Sorry, I apparently left off 1/2 my email address. Anyways, after reading many of these entries, I am just, well, overwhelmed! (I use the word a lot!) We just got back from our first visit with Dr. Paley on Sept. 28. It was just so nice to be around other parents who have been through this. I saw many children, a few even around the same age as our 18 month old, Hailey, who looked wonderful and HAPPY! I was told so many horror stories by the Shriners that I was a little worried to say the least. It's funny how I was so mad at God (?) for a while for doing this to my precious baby, but now I thank him every day for giving me this wonderful person. She has just taught us and everyone we know so much.
  Visitor: Laura Johnson
 Location: Madison, SD
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Nov 04, 1999 at 00:09:17 (EST)
Comments: Our 18 month old daughter has PFFD. It has definitely been such an overwhelming experience, to say the least.
  Visitor: Sue Walker
Reference: nurses in hospital found you after Keagan's birth
 Location: Junau, Alaska
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 17:13:36 (EST)
Comments: Here's an update on our son Keagan's progress. He just turned one year old on Oct 17. He has unilateral PFFD, left leg, either Aitkin A or B. Two weeks ago we had his x-rays taken and sent to Dr. Hertzenberg at MLLC and are awaiting THE PLAN for his lengthenings. He's now got a 5 to 6 cm difference, but is walking a few steps with the aid of a 4cm shoe lift on his little Nike's - or rather - is walking a few steps with or without his lift, which seems to make little difference to him. He is also climbing at an astonishing rate! You see, it is easy to climb is you only have to get your short leg up first, so the other day I found him ON TOP of the dining room table, standing up and gabbling away so happy for himself. We are continuing to be amazed at how well he is doing and how little the PFFD affects him. Hopefully we soon will know whether he needs any surgery to correct coxa vera or any psuedoarthrosis prior to lengthening, or if he can have these defects (we don't know yet if he has these problems) corrected at the same time as the first lengthening. There still is no sign of a patella on the affected leg, which we are told isn't much of an issue. His knee flexibility is great and the hip seems ok, perhaps mildly displastic, but with a femoral head and acetabulum. We were especially happy to find that our local ortho surgeon trained under Dr. Hertzenberg when he was a resident - so they know each other, and we feeel this will improve communications for this long-distance effort. Sue, Vic, Evelyn and Keagan Walker
  Visitor: Chuck, Karla, Dylan & McKenna
Reference: Divine Intervention
 Location: Maple Grove, MN....USA
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Nov 02, 1999 at 23:52:44 (EST)
Comments: Dear Everyone, Hello from Minnesota!!!!!!!!! Sorry we haven't written in a while, but when you have a 4 year old, and a 2 year old, you become very old!!!!! Anyway, we just wanted to drop a note telling you all how great McKenna is doing!!! We had both her hip, and thigh bone repaired in May, and since then all has gone very well. Now McKenna uses a new brace that has built in ankle, to help her to get used to using hers. We have noticed that since the surgery she has much improved mobility, and balance. One of the best parts was that before the surgery she couldn't lift her shorter leg to her chest, as it was bent, and twisted backwards, so forward movement wasn't possible. Now that we have had the bend and twist fixed, she lifts both legs to her chest, and rolls around. McKenna is now about 2.5 years old, and we plan to be in Baltimore to see Dr. Paley for a checkup around some time in Feb. I cannot thank this website enough for giving us the courage to do what the doctors here in Minnesota said wasn't possible. Also, we want to thank all of you who have written, and called to give us support durring the early days. We hope that thru our experiences we can return the favor. Anyway, thanks so much to all of you, and God Bless!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Chuck, Karla, Dylan & McKenna
  Visitor: Tracey Arnold
 Location: PA.
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Nov 02, 1999 at 07:34:55 (EST)
Comments: Thanks to everyone who has kept in touch! Our son has just recently completed his Van Nes Rotation and is doing great. He broke the (same) ankle a few weeks ago from a fall, but was up and rollin' again in just two weeks. If anyone wants to talk about the Van Nes, just drop me a line!
  Visitor: Peter Lindkvist
 Location: Roskilde - Denmark
 Web Info: 
     Date: Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 17:03:22 (EST)
Comments: Hallo everyone! Here is a little update on Christian (2.5 years). He is an active boy doing, what a boy at his age wants to do. He has a platform prosthesis (the second one), and he plays football, drives bicycle and try to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction when we ask him to come. We have visited the university hospital several times during the last 2 years and at the latest x-ray examination it seems, that it is possible to do the lengthening on Christians leg. It is almost clear that he has no patella, but the doctor is quite pleased anyway. Due to a slow growth of his left femur and hip, the doctor adviced us to wait some years with the first operation. We are planning a vacation in USA, so maybe it will be a good idea to see Dr. Paley and ask for a second oppinion. Time will show. Finally I will send a little regard to all the new parents. Try to look forward and enjoy your children. For us it has been a big joy to see our christian grow, to see how a little human being is growing forward and it is no longer the leg that fills it all. It becomes daily life that he says Dad - leg on or bare foot. For him it is just so - and no question is asked. We send the best whishes from Christian, Sofie, Emilie Hanne and Peter
  Visitor: Lori Young
Reference: Internet search
 Location: Glasston, ND
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Oct 30, 1999 at 02:12:00 (EDT)
Comments: Wonderful site with much information. When my daughter was born 8 years ago, she was given term caudal regression. It wasn't until the past year or so that PFFD was used in regard to her. She is uni-lateral on the left side. Her natural foot is at about knee level compared to her right. She has adapted very well to this, and now has a bendy leg for the left side. (they were able to put in a knee between her natural foot and her prosthetic one) She recently got out of a spica cast from having a Salter osteotomy done on her right hip, so she is just learning to walk again. She is doing very well, considering the only muscles she moved for 6 weeks were in her arms and neck.
  Visitor: Pat Larabee
Reference: searched pffd
 Location: Buxton, Maine
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sun, Oct 17, 1999 at 16:08:19 (EDT)
Comments: Hi Our daughter was born prematurely in Nov 1996. She was born with what was diagnosed as a dislocated hip and club foot, both on the left side. She had to have surgery to put her hip back in joint at 9 months of age. She also had to have tendon lengthening done at 11 months of age to correct the club foot. We have been going on with these diagnoses for over two years. I have not been comfortable with the doctors diagnoses. There seems to be too many other factors going on. Upon pressuring him he took a standing x-ray of her legs and determined that she might have PFFD due to the fact that the left fibula is bowed and much shorter than the tibia. There does not appear to be a true leg length discrepancy by x-ray but she walks with a short leg limp. He just wants to wait and see how she progresses before giving us any surgical options. He is suggesting waiting until she is 5 or 6 years old before doing a leg lengthening procedure. Have other people fallen into this type of problem with their children and if so, do you agree with the wait and see attitude or should we seek someone willing to do more aggressive treatment? Thanks for any feedback you can give us. We really apprciate it.
  Visitor: Stephen & Gail Jennings
Reference: surfing the net
 Location: Napier, New Zealand
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Oct 16, 1999 at 04:25:51 (EDT)
Comments: We have a 3 year old son Tyler with PFFD and Ulna Hemimelia (Upper limb deformaties) affecting both arms. We have had a Symes Amputation done when he was 2 & 1/2 years old. Tyler is doing really well. He got his first prosthesis at 6 months old, and was walking at 21 months. We hope one day to get a leg with a knee joint that bends.
  Visitor: Mary Lou LaVallee
Reference: searched under pffd in yahoo
 Location: Saskatchewan Canada
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Oct 01, 1999 at 13:53:47 (EDT)
Comments: I would just like to talk with any other parent of a child with pffd. I have been searching for a web page for parents of pffd children. My daughter is 13 yrs. and we have yet to meet ANYONE (Especially children) with pffd.
  Visitor: Donna Fowler
 Location: Iowa
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Sep 23, 1999 at 23:20:30 (EDT)
Comments: Hi again! It's been a while since I've visited the page. Thomas will be 6 months old next week. He's had 2 evals at one hospital and a second opinion at a second hospital. We agree with the doctors that lengthening is not an option and have chosen to go with the amputation of his foot now and continue to watch the development of his hip. (Besides the congenital short femur, he has a clubbed foot twisted behind him, and fibular hemomelia of the right leg. He also has some minor deformity of his left foot.)His first surgery should be within the next few months. In the meantime, he has surpassed his twin sister in size and several stages of development. His sister does not have PFFD. I'm curious if there are any other cases of natural twins (or multiples) in which only one child has PFFD.? Thank you to everyone for this wonderful site!!
  Visitor: Rita and baby Angel
Reference: Yahoo
 Location: Southern California
 Web Info: 
  Contact: or
     Date: Thurs, Sep 16, 1999 at 01:39:46 (EDT)
Comments: My daughter 'Angel' was born with PFFD about 2 1/2 months ago. I just found your website last week and I am amazed at all the stories I have read. Reading the stories has definately given me the strength and courage that I will need to help my daughter thru her trials and tribulations that lie ahead of her. To date, she has not been treated, still getting other opinions. We too, were told that amputation would be the best for her. Because of your stories, I feel ok knowing that it is alright to wait and take our time with our decisions. Thank you for sharing your stories, it has definately put hope in hearts for our little 'Angel'. I will stay in touch and keep you updated with her treatments an progress.
  Visitor: Michelle Ann Ewer
Reference: My doctor told me about it.
 Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Sep 07, 1999 at 16:14:29 (EDT)
Comments: I'm really glad I found you. None of the doctors here never really talked to me about PFFD. I never knew or had any clue on how many peaple that have this complicated, confusing and challaging life as I do. You have givin' me a new look on things, before I thought I was alone. I was scared of what would happen if the bone that I'm walking on breaks down and I won't be able to walk on any more. I know that will destroy me if it does happen. I wanted to know if there was anything that I could do (meaning some kind of surgury). Now I know I have a chance to SOME-WHAT IMPROVE my style of living, improve on my self-confidence and glow with self-esteem. !!!THANK YOU!!!! Just incase you're wondering, I'm 21. I have blond hair, blue eyes, I'm 5 foot,I have an artificial leg and I have PFFD.
  Visitor: Ron Pierce
Reference: Referred by a friend.
 Location: New York
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Sep 02, 1999 at 21:37:45 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: pavongchitr
Reference: find out from yahoo
 Location: Bangkok of Thailand
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Aug 31, 1999 at 10:57:37 (EDT)
Comments: i just looking for one of my friend Nigel de Ferranti from England your web. is very interesting and i like it very much. Thanks. Pavongchitr
  Visitor: Ruth Levine
Reference: regular visitor
 Location: Baltimore, MD
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sun, Aug 22, 1999 at 20:24:11 (EDT)
Comments: Here's an update on our daughter, Sarah, now nearly two and a half, who has unilateral PFFD with a large differential and fibular hemimelia. She just had a pelvic osteotomy and related surgery at the Maryland Center for Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction, and is doing extremely well in her spica cast. We are hoping to start lengthening in a year or so. We'd be delighted to be in touch with other parents at various points in the journey.
  Visitor: DeNita Dean
Reference: surfing the net
 Location: Pittsburgh, PA
 Web Info: 
  Contact: DeNita@Gateway.Net
     Date: Tuesday, Aug 10, 1999 at 18:58:38 (EDT)
Comments: I have a 13 month old son with pffd class D, he has no hip joint and very short femur and a missing fibula. He is scheduled to have a supramalleolar osteotomy in Oct, then have the Van Ness procedure done when he is 2. Dr. Paley in Baltimore will be doing the surgery. Any information about the Van Ness Rotationplasty would be helpful. Has any one had the prosthesis that looks like there are two feet on one leg, if so what kind of clothes (pants) did your child wear. Please anyone email me with any information.
  Visitor: Ken Meyer
 Location: Columbus, Mississippi
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sun, Aug 08, 1999 at 11:45:20 (EDT)
Comments: Son with PFFD. Recently seen by Dr. Hertzenburg. Thanks for all the help and information.
  Visitor: Linda White
Reference: Infoseek
 Location: Ohio
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 11:48:53 (EDT)
Comments: I am currently wearing an ilizarov for a second time. I am 28 years old and had my left leg lengthened in 1995. I wore my ilizarov for 11 months. I do not have PFFD, no one has ever been able to pin point a name for my problem. Now I am haveing my ankle fused. If I can be of help to anyone feel free to email me. I do not have PFFD, but I am an ilizarov patient and I know what you are all going through. Keep your chins up, Linda
  Visitor: Sue Gawler
Reference: referred by a friend
 Location: Maine
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 11:19:49 (EDT)
Comments: thank you for this site. Our daughter has unilateral PFFD, class A but with a large discrepancy. We are preparing for lengthening via Ilizarov process starting in late Sep. The connections to other parents here are most helpful. One suggestion - the article describing PFFD is way out of date in the Lengthening section. Although the author tacks on a note at the end of that section, he should really rewrite the whole thing to be much less misleading. The scary things that make up most of that section are based on a different and outdated lengthening procedure. It would be a service to readers to correct this.
  Visitor: Joann Bilek
 Location: Michigan
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Jul 20, 1999 at 17:28:49 (EDT)
Comments: Hello everyone. It's been a little while since I've checked the guest book, though I've had a number of you contact me about Van Nes and Jamie's story. Just wanted to post a note to let you know I'm still around and looking for people to help. A message to Lee, who didn't leave an e-mail address, take a good look at all your options. If you can have the lengthening done, it's a great option as far as the outcome is concerned. My niece had the Van Nes Rotation done because lengthening was not an option for her. She is doing fine. She is walking well with her ankle as a knee. She bends it when she walks and it boggles the mind how she can do it, but little kids are such troopers and quick learners that nothing seems to stop her from doing what she wants. She jumps on a trampoline, swings herself, climbs. You name it, she'll try it and she's not even 4 years old yet. A message to Rick. I'll try to contact you sometime this week to discuss our experience with the Van Nes. It's not nearly as bad as it sounds. I'm finding that there are more PFFD kids out there than we thought at first and they all have different options available to them. It's best to rule out all but the best for your situation, so I would suggest consulting on all the options. Everyone take care. I promised Mike that I would get Jamie's page finished soon. Be on the look out.
  Visitor: Lee Bennett
Reference: YAHOO!
 Location: Kentucky
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Jul 17, 1999 at 20:14:40 (EDT)
Comments: Hi. I am a 13 year old who has PFFD. I was born with PFFD in my right leg and my right leg has always been shorter than my left. Anyway, I am going to Baltimore, Maryland to see Doctor Paley for an evaluation. I have also had the leg lengthining surgery as well as the brace called the Illo....Illo..... it's Illo something. My leg is bent at an an angle and I have trouble straighting it. I need help. Should I A. Have my leg fused, B. Take the Van-Ness, or C. Try to have my leg fixed by Doctor Paley. Thanx for your time
  Visitor: Rick Rhoton
 Location: Bullhead AZ
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Jul 06, 1999 at 17:35:22 (EDT)
Comments: Well we went and saw the Shriners talked with Dr.Armstrong, he knows Dr. Paley and suggested that if we wanted to, to go talk with Dr.Paley. We are still leaning toward the lengthening but we feel much better about the Van Ness now. Has anyone out there had this procedure done? If you have can you let me know how yours is doing, please?
  Visitor: Richard Rhoton
Reference: searching for info on PFFD
 Location: Bullhead City AZ
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Jun 03, 1999 at 14:12:49 (EDT)
Comments: I know that I have already made an entry today but I wanted to make another entry after reading some of the other entries in the guest log. Sam has Type A, I think. We have been to se the Shriners in Salt Lake City UT and they are very hopfull that they can fix his leg. They gave us some tough options and we would like some of your input please. They want to fix the angle of the hip first, and then either lengthen the leg over several years, amputate the foot and fuse the knee and then he would wear a prosthesis, or turn the ankle around to be the knee and again fuse the current knee to be the femur. His feet are perfect and his legs are symetrical from the knee down. We think that we are going with the first option but we hate to make the wrong decsion can anyone out there help?
  Visitor: Richard Rhoton
Reference: searching for info on PFFD
 Location: Bullhead City AZ
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Jun 03, 1999 at 13:49:30 (EDT)
Comments: My son Sam was born with PFFD adn we were given some tough options by the doctors. can anyone help?
  Visitor: Chuck, Karla, Dylan & McKenna
Reference: Divine Intervention...
 Location: Maple Grove, MN
 Web Info: 
  Contact: Grimbold@AOL.Com
     Date: Sun, May 16, 1999 at 12:11:16 (EDT)
Comments: Dear Readers, Howdy everyone!!! We just returned from seeing Dr. Paley for our first surgery, and all went very well!!! They used a newer technique to repair the Bend, and also combined that surgery with a hip repair that will later make lengthening possible. They didn't use the scaffolding this time, but put a rod inside the thigh bone to keep it in-line, so no external pins!!!!We will keep you all posted on our progress, but so far things are going better than expected. Good luck, and God Bless!!! Sincerely, Chuck, Karla, Dylan & McKenna
  Visitor: Donna Fowler
Reference: internet search 
 Location: Iowa
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 at 17:03:15 (EDT)
Comments: I have a six-week old son with PFFD. We had his first evaluation yesterday and will wait several months for another eval; lengthening is likely not an option. We would like info from individuals who have gone to Shriners in Minneapolis, Gillette Childrens Hospital in St. Paul, and/or University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Our insurance company is trying to limit where we get him treated. Also would like to network with parents from Northern Iowa or southern Minnesota. Thanks for the helpful web page!!
  Visitor: Robyn Riley
 Location: New Jersey
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 at 15:30:59 (EDT)
Comments: My husband and I have just started down the long road, we just found out our unborn child whom is due Oct 11 1999, has pffd, we are going to see a specialist in Philly this Fri. I am looking all over for as much info as i can get my hands on. Plus looking to talk with parents who can relate to the fears and questions both my husband and I have. In the past week I feel like I have aged 20 years. I am thankful she is healthy, but still quite upset there is a problem. After 2 years of trying to get pregnant, we were blessed with a positive ept test. But were saddened to hear the news the other day of pffd. If anyone I am still not sure what some optins are yet, we will find out this week. But I would like to be prepared with some knowledge, if anyone has any info, or know of any books for us to read please send some email. Plus I would love to talk with someone, who can understand my fears, and just relate to what we are going with. Thank you all.
  Visitor: Robyn & Chris Riley
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, May 15, 1999 at 12:32:24 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Tonya Kliewer
Reference: Searched Internet
 Location: Benton, Arkansas
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 22:34:05 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Todd, Michelle and Liam Hickey
 Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
 Web Info: 
     Date: Mon, May 03, 1999 at 00:20:15 (EDT)
Comments: Hi to everyone. Just visiting the PFFD site for the first time in a long time. Our son Liam was born last Mar (3/25/1998) with uni-lateral PFFD of the right leg. To improve the medical options available to our son (and for other reasons) we have moved from the east coast of Canada (Newfoundland to be exact) to Edmonton, Alberta as of Feb 3 of this year. My new e-mail address is for those I was in contact with before and most certainly anyone new! As always, the great information from the fantastic people using this page keeps on growing. BTW, Liam now has his platform prosthesis and we are introducing it slowly to him. He has been navigating the furniture since about 8 months of age and sometimes finds the extension to be in his way, but I'm sure that he'll do fine, being the trooper that he is. We'd love to hear from parents (and kids) who have gone through this stage before deciding the best path to choose. God bless!
  Visitor: Jane Curto
Reference: looking for information re:  PFFD
 Location: Easton, Pa
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Apr 27, 1999 at 15:59:06 (EDT)
Comments: My son Lamaer was born with PFFD in 1976. It has been a long road. He is 23 now and has had one lenghtening done by Dr. Paley. He does not want to have this procedure done again. He is back to wearing the prostheses. He gets around fairly well, however, is currently have pain in his foot. Anyone know of any good orthopaedic surgeons in the eastern PA area that follow this problem. He did go to Shriners in Philadelphia, but he is too old now. Don't know if we should continue to see Dr. Paley because he does not want lengthening. Any information would be helpful. Good Bless.
  Visitor: Chuck, Karla, Dylan, & McKenna
Reference: Divine Intervention
 Location: Maple Grove, MN
 Web Info: 
  Contact: Grimbold@AOL.Com
     Date: Tuesday, Apr 20, 1999 at 19:38:40 (EDT)
Comments: Hello Everyone, We want to thank you all for your support!!! McKenna is going in for her first surgery on May 04, 1999. We will keep you posted on how things go. Wish us luck!!! Sincerely, Chuck, Karla, Dylan & McKenna
  Visitor: Chuck, Karla, Dylan, & McKenna
Reference: Divine Intervention
 Location: Maple Grove, MN
 Web Info: 
  Contact: Grimbold@AOL.Com
     Date: Tuesday, Apr 20, 1999 at 19:37:06 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Joann Bilek
Reference: search for pffd
 Location: Battle Creek, Michigan
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Apr 15, 1999 at 17:42:01 (EDT)
Comments: Hi guys. Thought I'd give a quick update on Jamie since I haven't had a chance to update her page since her surgery. She's walking around great on her new bending knee prosthesis, but hasn't quite figured out that she can bend it like her other leg. She still walks stiff legged, the way she learned to walk. She knows how to bend it and does really well when she's jumping on the trampoline. She just doesn't realize it'll bend just as good when she's walking. The scar healed nicely(as good as a 12 scar can look), and quite honestly, the foot being backwards doesn't phase her or anyone who knows and loves her. To all of us, this is normal, for Jamie. Well, I'll get working on finishing Jamie's page and give more details, but for now, I wanted to let everyone know that Jamie's doing great. She's a real trooper.
  Visitor: Mims and Rebeccah Adams
 Location: Alabama
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 10:29:02 (EDT)
Comments: It has been a long time since I sent an update on Rebeccah! She is doing great (finally)! She has been in a spica cast the last month and we are scheduled for removal next Mon. She is praying that she will have a built up shoe for the first time in her life since she is 6 inches off the ground now. She has worn prosthetic devices up til now.She had problems with the bone healing so this lengthening took 13 months from beginning until end and we only gained 4 inches instead of the 6 we hoped for but what a miracle 4 inches is! We are all looking forward to the break between lengthenings but Im sure by next spring we will be ready to move on. I have really enjoyed all the email from Rebeccahs story and appreciate being able to pass on all we have learned through this experience. I promise to be better at keeping in touch! Mims and Rebeccah
  Visitor: Beth Anne Simpson
 Location: Burleson, Texas
 Web Info: 
     Date: Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 23:06:09 (EDT)
Comments: Hello everyone, I thought that I would update you all on Michelle's progress. She is starting to run a little bit on her new Van-Ness prothesis !!!!!!! yea...... Thanks for your support.... Beth Anne... P.S. To the lady in Crowley that I spoke with at the ball game, I hope you found our page and It's helpfull.... Email me anytime.....
  Visitor: GINETTE
 Location: ENGLAND
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Apr 10, 1999 at 11:47:19 (EDT)
  Visitor: Jesse Bennett
Reference: Search Engine
 Location: Louisville, Ky
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Apr 08, 1999 at 22:38:34 (EDT)
Comments: Courious about options that are open for my thirteen year old son who has had the leg lenghting done but now has another doctor who wants to do the van ness rotation plasty. Would like to hear from other people who has or are being faced with this delimena.
  Visitor: Brittany 
Reference: email from Stephen Ferranti 
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 22:45:38 (EDT)
  Visitor: Chuck
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Apr 06, 1999 at 22:40:10 (EDT)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Delia Tavares
Reference: Did a search for Limb lengthening
 Location: Toronto, Canada
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Mar 30, 1999 at 16:31:36 (EST)
Comments: I have been visiting your site for about a year now. I would like to say thank you for all the information and help this site has given me. I have met wonderful people through here that have listened to me in happy and sad times. My Son Connor will be 5 years old next month and he had his first lengthening a year ago. Cause of this site I got to talk to others in the same situation and whom understood all my fears. It really helped me to get ready for the surgery and now it gives me hope when I hear from all of you. Connor had 5 surgeries in 5 months cause of so many complications occured during the lengthening. The outcome was not what we hoped for him, but, we should be happy that he gained 5 cm. He is now at approx. 6 cm difference and wears a leg brace and shoe lift. I find that his leg looks worse now ...... but, the important thing is that he walks, runs and is HAPPY. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to. All the best to all and God Bless.
  Visitor: Brian Day
 Location: Raleigh, NC
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Mar 25, 1999 at 23:50:57 (EST)
Comments: Erin has bilateral PFFD and is 2&3/4 years old. Her right leg has no femur and her left leg's fermur is incorrectly angled such that she is in a squatting position when standing. She is scheduled for surgery on 4/21 to break and pin her femur so that full extension is posible. Soft tissue release will be done in the hip and knee areas. Dr. Dror Paley will be doing the surgery in Baltimore. After email requests for clarification, he explained that he will decide whether to use Ilizarov or internal pin (for realignment of the femur) during the surgery. She will be in a 'spica' cast for 6-10 weeks. Dr. Paley says that P.T. will not be necessary. Does anyone have experience with this sort of femur realignment? Specifically, we are concerned with how soon she will be able to walk again (muscle growth, proprioception...). We would like her to start preschool in Jul (need to commit a downpayment) but are not sure she will be mobile and re-potty trained by then. Thanks, Brian & Terry Day 919 556-7129
  Visitor: aunt lisa
 Location: litchfield
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Mar 13, 1999 at 12:03:43 (EST)
Comments: keep up the good work! we lovw you!
  Visitor: Beth Anne Simpson
 Location: Burleson, Texas
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 21:50:55 (EST)
Comments: Hello everyone. Michelle's cast came off yesterday, and her leg went on... She took off, and is doing well, Beth Anne
  Visitor: Tricia
 Location: Texas
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 17:56:36 (EST)
Comments: Son Jared born 4/91,pffd left leg,between type c and d.Had symes amputation at 9 months.Was in prosthesis by 11 months and walking by 20 months. At six years had surgery to fuse knee to pelvis to act as a hip joint. Does wonderful!!! Swims, rides bikes, roller blades, etc.Very pleased with foot and ankle amputation.We are getting new prosthesis tomorrow from Texas scottish rite hospital that is multi- colored. How exciting!! Hope I can help any new families that are just taking all of this on.
  Visitor: jean berry
Reference: My sone, Michael berry, found your site just last week.
 Location: bloomsburg PA
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 16:25:30 (EST)
Comments: I just read the right answer about Adam. I could identify with so many points in her story that I wrote to her just now. I'm urging my son to write to your website (I know he did an e-mail last week) to tell his story. He was 23 years old when we found Dr. Paly and I think his story would give other older children and adults some hope or options. His e-mail is
  Visitor: suzanne
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 06:52:57 (EST)
Comments: No comment at this time.....
  Visitor: Beth Anne Simpson
 Location: Burleson, Texas
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 25, 1999 at 21:19:23 (EST)
Comments: Hello everyone, I just wanted to update you all about Michelle. As you may know she had the van-nes surgery last Jul. She was doing great until she fractured her little leg just above the ankle. She should get her cast off this comming Mon........... Love, Beth Anne p.s. Hey John, I hope you found this website!!!!
  Visitor: Tom & Dawn Rause
Reference: email correction
 Location: Raleigh, NC
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Feb 23, 1999 at 21:22:31 (EST)
Comments: oops! this is our correct email address!
  Visitor: Dawn & Tom Rause  (Jesse Rause)
Reference: Bookmark for PFFD
 Location: Raleigh, NC
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Feb 23, 1999 at 15:45:44 (EST)
Comments: We signed the guestbook almost 2 years ago when we first found the website - what a thrill to finally find some info. about pffd. Our son Jesse is 3 1/2 and has pffd in his left leg. He is getting ready for his first lengthening surgery with Dr. Paley in Mar. We are very excited and anxious at the same time. Jesse had a femur osteotomy to reposition his hip/femur when he was 18 months old and we've been waiting for everything to heal and be ready for the first lengthening. He is walking with an almost 5 inch shoe lift right now. He hops everywhere (he hates wearing his big shoe and brace). Right now he wants more than anything to ride a big bike. We have 4 children under age 8, so life is always crazy around here, but it sure gives Jesse plenty of inspiration. We have met others with pffd and know that the only way to get through all that is ahead is with the love, guidance and moral support from others and lots of faith! Right now our biggest challenges are how to juggle our family, how long to stay in Baltimore, is it necessary to stay in Baltimore for therapy and what's best for Jesse. We'd love to hear from anyone just starting down the pffd road or an experienced veteran of pffd.
  Visitor: Ginette Mckenzie
 Location: ENGLAND
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 07:29:30 (EST)
Comments: My son Michael has pffd I would like to speak to anyone who has experience of a lenghtening of more than eight inches. Michaels right foot is level with his left knee does anyone know if a lengthening to this extent is possible ? Michael is 6 months old Thank you Ginette
  Visitor: SARA GIBBS
Reference: TYPED IN PFFD
 Location: BUFFALO NY
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 18, 1999 at 10:31:02 (EST)
  Visitor: Mary Clark [Mary Williams Clark MD]
Reference: via I-CAN list
 Location: Toledo OH
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 at 20:06:37 (EST)
Comments: Thanks for putting my piece from In Motion onto your info page! I hope people find it helpful. I have read a good deal of the rest of your 'place' and think you've done a great job. I'll refer my patients to you. I do think perhaps someone could write about the non-limb-lengthening approaches to PFFD. They aren't as antiquated as they have been made to sound, and perhaps an explanation about the mechanical problems PFFD poses [especially in some of it types] and the reasoning behind the reconstruction that includes amputation or rotationplasty would help people understand why some orthopedists do consider and recommend these options. (I'm not necessarily suggesting I should do this, as my experience on I-CAN has been that terrific explanations very often come from parents or mentors on the list.) Anyway, very nice site--congratulations! mary clark
  Visitor: Melissa Arnold
 Location: Baltimore
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sun, Feb 14, 1999 at 12:44:10 (EST)
Comments: Hi everyone! I just stopped by to see what's new and to say hello. I don't get any time to write, but I wanted to let you know everything is going great. We're ready to schedule surgery to remove Adam's Ilizarov. Then it's two months in a cast and 6 months to a year of therapy. Then we're done for awhile. Finally we'll have a stretch of time when we have nothing medical happening. That'll be strange! Hope everything is going well for all of you. We think of each of you often! Peace to you, Melissa....Adam's Momma
  Visitor: Vicki Davis
Reference: Bookmark after my husband searched the web.
 Location: Herreid,  South Dakota
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 11, 1999 at 23:15:12 (EST)
Comments: I am writing tonight mainly to correct the spelling of my name. I mis-spelled it on my message on Jan. 22, 1999. It should be DAVIS, not DAIS. I check the guestbook at least once a week. I like reading the new messages to see if there are any that I can send a note of encouragement or help to. Someday I hope to write Ben's whole story. But our life if quite full with homeschooling Ben, who is 9, and Hannah, who is 7, and also having to keep Sarah entertained. She is almost 5 and will be added to our school next year. As I said, Ben is 9 years old and has PFFD on his right leg. His discrepancy at last measurement was 8.2 cm. He uses a shoe lift and has since he was standing as a baby. He also alternates that with a over-the-leg prosthesis. He has had 2 surgeries within the last 16 months. The first to correct the curvature in the bone and rotate it forward. The second to remove the metal after the bone was healed. Both were done successfully and with no complications at Shriner's Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We are anticipating his first lengthening within the next 2 years. They will lengthen 5 cm., allow that to heal for about a year, and then lengthen another max. of 5 cm. If needed, they will slow growth on the left leg. They have discussed amputation with us, but we don't think that is feasible (neither does Ben). The doctor is concerned that too much lengthening could cause joint (knee) problems and weaken the bone. As our doctor said, I have to look myself in the mirror, and I would not want to cause anymore damage than is already there. I respect her views and opinions. We will take a surgery at a time. Talk to you at a later date. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or just to chat. Remember that God loves you and your children. We would never be able to get through all of this without that knowledge and faith in Him. Take care.
  Visitor: Frank Gratke
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 11, 1999 at 11:23:59 (EST)
Comments: corrected email address
  Visitor: frank gratke
Reference: kevin born 5-5-92 PFFD aiken class d right
 Location: Milwaukee,WI
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 11, 1999 at 11:21:13 (EST)
Comments: Kevin, born 5-5-92, aiken class D, Right LEG,Have decided to wait and see. Have x-rays at Paley's, Shirners, Childreds and John Hopkins.Believe bone growth stimulators will be the solution.Makes for a lot easier healing. Believe with there advance the hip,leg and knee can be made close to normal. Kevin makes school with a brace now!
  Visitor: Gineete McKenzie
 Web Info: 
     Date: Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 21:37:02 (EST)
Comments: Ginette has said that all the information you have kindly sent her so far has been a great help, and she thanks you for all your support. Ginette is hoping to also contact people in the UK, who have experience of PFFD. (signed by Gary at Limbless Assoc for Ginette)
  Visitor: Christy Horton
Reference: searching web @ pffd
 Location: Edwardsville, IL
 Web Info: 
     Date: Tuesday, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:08:57 (EST)
Comments: This is a great idea I plan to check regularly for new stories! My daughter was born with pffd to her left leg. It is good to know we're not alone.
  Visitor: Ginette McKenzie
 Location: UK
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 04, 1999 at 21:54:48 (EST)
Comments: RE: Michael, aged 6 months My Son Michael has been born with severe Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency (PFFD), the suggested treatment is amputation. Michael’s right thigh is almost missing, his right knee is level with his left hip and his right foot is level with his left knee. I would really like to contact anyone who has been born with the same condition - of any age who would be happy to share their experiences with me and offer practical advice. I feel this would help Michael and I greatly. Ginette McKenzie
  Visitor: Jennifer Dockum
Reference: searched for you
 Location: Statesville, N.C.
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Feb 04, 1999 at 10:53:34 (EST)
Comments: We gave birth to a daughter, Allie, born 1/11/99 with PFFD. We are trying to find all the information we can to help her.
  Visitor: Krystine Hilton (Dylon's Momma)
Reference: been here plenty of times before
 Location: New York
 Web Info: 
     Date: Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 00:44:26 (EST)
Comments: Just a quick note very appropriate thought, it was a year ago today that Dylon started his first lenghthening at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. It was a long year but it already seems so long ago we are pretty much all better. We thought we would check on some of our friends since we are doing so well. The wounds have all healed and we are running around quite well again. I hope all is well with all of you especially the many friends we have made before. Dylon is a true test that these children really do bounce back. Other than some stiffness in the morning or in the night he is back to his old self. Talk to you all soon.
  Visitor: Vicki Dais
Reference: PFFDvsg
 Location: Herreid, South Dakota
 Web Info: 
     Date: Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 00:15:33 (EST)
Comments: Everything I have read so far is very informative. Some of it scares me, but then I read further and I receive encouragement. Thank you for taking your time, Mike and Cindy, to make this available to us. We are currently receiving treatment through Shriner's, but it is nice to see what other options are out there if necessary.
  Visitor: Stacy Maxwell
Reference: Searching for help with my son's PFFD
 Location: Alaska
 Web Info: 
     Date: Thurs, Jan 21, 1999 at 20:27:41 (EST)
Comments: My wife and I read the story about Rebeccah, and had the same reaction when the doctor from the Seattle Childrens clinic told us that his foot would most likely have to be amputated. He was born with a perfect little foot....and it's going to stay that way!! This web site has finally given us some hope about keeping his foot. Thank You so much and God bless! -Stacy Maxwell & Amanda Lee

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