Anagrams and Such

Ardent Anagramming
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Ardent Anagrams:
anagramming...random comic text anagrams and snippets of daily life


Almost every day I anagram a random comic strip text, which generally consists of one text bubble, but sometimes more. As it turns out, each anagram somehow relates to my life, something I saw or heard with a preference on the positive.
What is an anagram?
Take a word, any word, or any number of words, re-arrange the's a link for automatic anagrams...but mine are not automatically generated...
My anagrams begin with randomly selected comic strip text. I'll pick one a day, or sometimes use the same text for a couple of days. By themselves the anagrams are interesting enough, but when used in conjunction with a small (though often boring) aspect of my life, one must random is an anagrammed life?
An example?  From My Journal entry dated 1-9-08:

Zits is my random comic strip text choice today, because it's Cincinnati's Borgman. The text reads, “My dad's computer monitor is the size of a dishwasher and don't even get me started on the speed of our internet connection.” My anagram was superbly fitting:

“On the net my phone account shows another name, I edited around street address, got time Verizon comes, printed it, send off.”

Well, that is exactly what occurred today. On the internet, when I went to put the repair order in, I could not change the name of the account, but could make sure the address was in the complaint via an edit, I got a confirmation for what time they would be coming, printed the page, so I would have a copy of the mistake on the page with the date and time, then sent the order in. Had I sent the order without printing it out I would not be able to prove that was what occurred and that proves the anagram.

I do that a lot...I document whenever possible, to connect everything with a "hands-on" proof that makes people wonder. So I try to do a journal entry daily, too.



With God all things are possible.

An anagrammed life...random comic text anagrams and snippets of daily life