My Faith

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Too religious?

When I first started this web page a number of my friends, and even family, were a bit surprised.  I don’t remember any exact comments but what it came down to was they thought I was getting “too religious”.  Mmmm, too religious…Is there such a thing?  At one time I may have thought the same thing, I may even have accused others of the same thing.  But all of these people know me, most fairly well, and would have to admit that I am the same fun, loving and occasionally partying person that I have always been.  Can one be too smart?  I wouldn’t think so.  They have just grown in their intellectual knowledge.  I think those of us that fall into the “too religious” group have just grown in our faith and continue to grow daily.  As one grows in their faith they come to realize that faith isn't something you 'show', it is something you live, and in living it you can't help but share it with others.  Actually I was a bit upset when some showed surprise and commented on me having a spiritual web page.  I was not upset at them, no! I was upset with myself that these people who I knew so well did not know this part of me.  Why, I ask myself, have I found it necessary to hide or at the very least not share this part of my life with them.  The part that God above all wants me to share with others.  Mt 5:15, 16 says “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  Think about that.  What good would a candle be in a dark room, if the electricity went out, but we kept it to ourselves.  Others around us would be stumbling about in the dark and may even get hurt.  Our faith is a light to be shared with others, to help them out of the darkness and lead them to Christ.  Left in the dark their soul may be hurt by sin, when we could have helped to prevent that had we shared our light.  I didn’t make up this analogy, God did and he is saying it today to you and me.  Francis Fernandez says it so well when he wrote “He asks us to give the kind of example that stimulates others and wins them over.  Because of this it is not enough for us to live Christ’s doctrine interiorly.  Any faith that lacked external manifestations would be false.  Christians must never give others to understand, because of their passivity, through their not wanting to commit themselves, that they do not hold their faith to be the most important thing in their lives, or that they do not consider the Church’s teaching a vital element in their modes of behaviour”. 

            I have had it said to me “I am just not that kind of a person, I keep my faith to myself”.   I hate to break it to you but your faith is not yours to keep to yourself.  Faith is a gift from God, a gift that he gives to you to grow in and share.  You say – “I’m not that kind of a Christian.”?  Guess what, there is no other kind of Christian.  A true Christian is one who openly lives their lives for Christ and lives it to bring others closer to Him.   I am not condemning anyone who feels this way, or telling you that it is wrong to feel this way.  I am only pointing out that you are “young in your faith”  It is up to you to choose to grow in your faith and in choosing to do so you will find it becomes a part of your everyday life.  The perks are great too!  You find new friends that share your faith, and you grow closer to God! 

            Yes, it is kind of scary.  You worry what others are going to think and say.  Hey, you don’t have anything to worry about.  John the Baptist had to worry about losing his life.  He and other martyr’s gave their lives to spread their faith.  We are lucky that we don’t have to worry about that.  Here’s a couple of small, little ways to get you started.  Next time you are at the store or where ever, and you go to leave, instead of saying “Have a nice day!”  Say “Have a blessed day!”  Or the next time someone asks you "How are you?" answer by saying "I am blessed"  You’ll be surprised at the smiles that brings.  It openly shows and shares your faith.  Don’t worry about being “too religious”.  If St. Peter is giving an exam at the gates of heaven, you’ll ace it!


Have a Blessed Day!!

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