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The One Thing That is Necessary

I apologize for the delay in posting a new message.  Things around here have been kind of busy and I haven’t had any new revelations.  Lent is here and I think the message of this season has been said every way possible.  I do have two things to speak about now though.


One is the movie ‘The Passion of the Christ”.  I hope you have seen it, or if you haven’t, that you are planning on seeing it soon.  To say that it was an awesome movie just doesn’t seem to give it justice.  I can only say that it touched me in such a way that I will never again celebrate the Eucharist or go to Reconciliation in quite the same way.  The scene that moved me the most was the one with Jesus on the crucifix and the thief next to Him and the dialog that took place.  It was like watching the very first confession.  I would love to hear how you felt about the movie.  Feel free to leave a message in my guest book.


My second thought today is on our priorities.  Peoples lives today are so hectic with families, a job, hobbies, social events, etc.  Many people have gotten so busy they have not found time for God.  Have you ever stopped to think – “Why did God create us?”  The answer to this is fairly simple.  To love Him, to know Him, and to serve Him so that we may be happy with Him in the next life.  To do this we must first develop a relationship with Him.  The only way to develop this relationship is by spending time with Him.  Jesus tells us what our priorities should be in Luke 10:38-42.  This is the story of Martha and her sister Mary.  When Jesus came to their house Mary sat at His feet to listen to Him while Martha concerned herself with busy tasks and serving.  When she brought this to the attention of Jesus and asked Him to instruct her sister to help her He said this – “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.  Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”  This is how it has been written in many of the newer versions of the bible but the actual Latin words used were “unum necessarium”.  This translates as “one thing necessary”  Jesus is telling us that the one thing necessary in our lives is to spend time with Him, getting to know Him and listening to His words.  He does not diminish what Martha is doing.  It is important to work hard, and take care of our responsibilities, but it is MORE important to take time with Him, not just important but NECESSARY!  This should be our top prioritiy.  I was blessed this week by being able to really spend time with Jesus.  Our church had the Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist.  This was for 40 hours.  I was able to actually, physically spend time with Jesus.  After reading this verse I wanted to go up to the alter and actually sit there at the base of it knowing I would be sitting at the feet of Jesus, just as Mary did.  Many churches have this Exposition.  Some are 24/7, some once a week, some once a month.  I encourage you to find a local church that celebrates this and to go visit Jesus and spend some time with Him.  I know that every time I celebrate the Mass I also come face to face with Jesus in the Eucharist, but it is nice to have an hour or so to just spend in quiet time with Him during the Exposition.


God our Father is teaching us what should be important in our lives, telling us what is necessary.  Won’t you listen to Him and start today developing a relationship with Him.  Join Mary and choose the better part by spending time with Christ our Lord.


Have a Blessed Day!

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