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Jesus take the wheel

Have you ever seen the bumper-sticker - 'If God is your co-pilot, your in the wrong seat'?  Many of us think having God as our co-pilote is a good thing, but if you ask me, I want God as the Pilot!  I recently heard a new song by American Idol winner Carrie Underwood called "Jesus Take the Wheel"  If you haven't heard it you can go to and click on the little speaker to the right of song #4. 

Sometimes in life we get carried away with our wants, our goals, and  successful careers, that we forget about what road we really should be on.  Or we are trying to do too much and life seems to be going too fast then we just spin out of control.  This is when we need to ask Jesus to take the wheel and put us back on the right road.   Without Him we will only end up going down a bunch of dead-ends or possibly end up in a ditch.   We need to learn to give our lives to Christ and have faith that he will lead us in the direction we should be going.   He also gave us a map to help us.  The bible is our road map to God.  It contains everything we need to get to know Him and grow closer to Him.  Driving down a road and trying to read a map can be dangerous.  We are in a hurry, and sometimes don't read it right.  But if we sit down, plan out our trip reading the map and learning it ahead of time we will feel more confident in our journey.  It's the same with the bible.  Reading the bible when life seems to get difficult and we feel we need somewhere to turn is never a bad thing.  However, if you sit quietly and read a passage daily then life seems to go smoother and choices and decisions seem to be easier to handle.  This is because in the bible God is teaching us how we should be living our lives.  Yes, US!  The bible isn't just a story of the past.  Everything in the bible is there for us today just as much as it was for the people 2000+ years ago.  Daily lessons, literally a roadmap for our lives.

Our lives won't always be smooth sailing.  There is going to be joy and sorrow, happiness and pain, laughter and tears, but no road is without it's bumps and detours.  Some bumps are going to be more like potholes.  But with Jesus at the wheel, you will get through.

Wishing you a Blessed Journey!


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