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e⋅piph⋅a⋅ny –noun, plural -nies.

a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

I don't want to dismiss the beauty and wonderment of giving birth, but it is still a rather commonplace occurrence.  It happens everyday all over the world.  It's a part of nature.  But this night, at this place, this baby being brought into the world was anything BUT commonplace.  This was the Savior, Gods son that he sent into the world to save us. 

Miles away, Magi, star gazers, saw a magnificent star, unlike any they had ever seen before.  In ways unkown, it was revealed to them that they had to follow this star.  They were doing what they always do, but this night, the appearance of this star was something different.  They knew there was something special about it.

This is an epiphany, ordinary, everyday things revealing something with much more meaning.  Hence the name of the day we celebrate the three wise men following a star to find the Christ child in Bethlehem.  This changed their lives forever. 

Epiphanys happen in our lives probably more often than we realize.  We just don't see that something "special" about something ordinary.  We don't see that light shining and guiding the way for us.  But I think if you open yourself up to God, these ordinary moments will reveal His light guiding you to Him. 

After the wise men came to know (see) Christ, they changed their ways.  Literally.  When they left, they went a different way.  They made a change in their life.  And once we come to know Christ, I'm sure there will be changes that we know we need to make in our lives.  We will never be the same.  

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