NOTE: Other Club Web Site Page
links are underlined in black at the top of this page.
ESTABLISHED: The Pilchuck Treasure
Hunting Club was established in 1982 by group of people interested in metal detecting.
DUES: Membership is open to anyone who has an interest. Persons or families joining
the club must pay a one time application fee of $5. Dues for individuals 16 years or older are $20 per year.
A Family Membership is available for a husband and wife or single parent for $25.00 per year which
also includes their dependent children 15 years and younger. The reason that a 16 year old child isn't included
is because of our By-Laws. A16 year old member can be elected to hold office.
"Lifetime Memberships" are also available "Individual Lifetime Membership" at $200.00 and "Senior's
Lifetime Membership" (65 years and older) at $60.00. Yearly dues are due January 1st and new members dues will
be prorated beginning April 1st , on a quarterly basis.
Our club newsletter is called "The Dirty Digger". Lora Hetzel, the Editor, does an outstanding
job of keeping our members informed.
Click below to READ the Summer 2010 issue of the club newsletter in PDF format.
NOTE: Reading it Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader be on your computer . If you don't have it already, Adobe
Acrobat Reader is a free download available at the Adobe link below (in Green underlined Below) . If you have problems and you have Adobe
on your computer, you may need to download and install the latest version of the Adobe software
version . Additionally, you can print it out DIRECTLY from the Adobe Reader or download the file:
Club Meetings
Club Meetings are held at the Everett Fire Fighters' Hall at 2411
Hewitt Ave. in Everett, WA. Meetings are the third Wednesday of every month with the exception of July.
There is no meeting in July. Doors open at 7 PM and the meeting starts at 7:30 PM. Guests are always
welcome at our meetings.
At the meetings club business is conducted, events planned
and there is a monthly Finds of the Month competition open to current club members. Prizes are awarded for the items judged
best of the entries. Items entered into the competition must have been found with the aid of a metal detector between the
previous meeting and that night's meeting.
The PTHC Officers
(Above) Ron Hetzel, President
(Below) Vice President, David Label
(Above) Andrew Elston, Treasurer
Contacting Us: The club's mailing address
is : 18330 26th Dr. S.E. Bothell, WA 98012.