Pilchuck Treasure Hunting Club

Club Events


LINK:   To the Pilchuck Treasure Hunting Site"  :   http://www.pilchucktreasurehunts.org/home.html

JuneFest Hunt

This year the Junefest Hunt was held on June 21st, 2008.   The event was as usual at the Stanwood Fairgrounds in Stanwood, WA .    It was a fun event for all.   The weather and potluck was great with good food and the company of good friends. 
Our club would like to thank our Former President, David Moore for his work in making this one fun hunt for all and Ron and Lora Hetzel for providing the BBQ hot dogs and shrimp plus the great chilli!    Our club is blessed to have you there for us!   To say that you are all Super is an understatement!!   Also thanks to David Label and Howard Ratcilff and other PTHC members for their help.
Additionally, our club would like to express our appreciation to Bryan Geraghty of Northgate Rare Coins.   Bryan is a long time generous contribitor to our yearly hunts.   Stop by and visit Northgate Coins and support him as he has always supported our club.    Come by & meet Bryan at 539-G Northgate Way Seattle, WA 98125 Ph # (206) 364-0090.   E-mail Bryan at irishbry8888@aol.com 
In these hard economic times everything came together to be a fun time for all!   Hope you had fun!   I know that I really enjoyed myself!    Hopefully you did also.  Thanks for coming!    Photos below:


(Above) Registration Time.


(Above) Time to hit the chow line.


(Above) Grilling time.

Planted Hunts for Members ONLY:

The Saint Patrick's Day Hunt:

This hunt is usually scheduled on a Date near to Saint Patrick's Day. It is a planted token hunt with tokens generally being good for 90% silver U.S. coins or other selected prizes. Current members pay a nominal entry fee to enter the hunt. A potluck usually follows the hunt.

The Freedom Hunt:

NOTICE:   The Freedom hunt for this year has been cancelled.

The Frank Lupien Memorial Hunt:

This hunt was named in honor of one of our founding members and is usually scheduled in September within a week or two of Labor Day. There is usually a token planted hunt followed by a picnic. Again, members pay a nominal entry fee and tokens are usually good for 90% U.S. silver coins or other selected prizes.