Regarding Law
– In What Respect?
As befits, I suppose,
a minister on vacation, I want to blog just briefly about something that, at least as I begin, seems to have little relevance
to a blog on Interfaith. The rule of law.
The idea that none of us should be above it.
Perhaps I can quote
one of my favorite plays, “A Man for All Seasons.” In the play, Sir Thomas More
believes in the law. He believes in it every bit as much as he believes in his
need to act in good conscience.
Thomas is accused by his
son-in-law, Roper, of being too partial to the law
Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!
Thomas: Yes. What would you do? Cut
a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
Thomas: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you
– where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted
thick with laws from coast to coast – man’s laws, not God’s – and if you cut them down – and you’re just the man to do it
– d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes,
I’d give the Devil benefit of law for my own safety’s sake.
What scares, shocks and
frankly depresses me, is that our own country has cut a great road through the law to get at what it sees as the Devil: terrorists. Many people blame the president and his supporters and perhaps even the Republicans
as a whole. But what about the Democrats who either stood meekly by and did nothing,
or actually voted to enable this cutting of “a great road through the law to get after the Devil”?
Torture is redefined so
it isn’t torture and is therefore somehow legal. People are kept in endless imprisonment
without trial. People’s privacy is invaded and then a bipartisan group of Senators
and Congressional Representatives grant immunity to those who participated.
I have long believed and
stated out loud that our Constitution, in and of itself, is meaningless. If a
piece of paper were all it took, the people of the Soviet Union would have been among the
freest in the world. It is NOT the piece of paper that protects us. It is our willingness to be bound by it. Bound by it even
when we disagree. Bound by it even when we’d much rather do something else.
I had little expectation
that John McCain, war hero and patriot though he is, would ever stand up and commit himself to the rule of law. But I had hoped that Barack Obama would. After his vote to
give immunity to the telecoms for possibly breaking the law, I begin to doubt.
The current administration
has broken both the spirit and the letter of the law so many times. I leave it
to others to quibble about motivations. Here I will take the administration at
its word: that the motivation was to “get at the Devil.” What are we to do about
it? Don’t we realize that the very foundation stones of this country are being
But there is still time. I would ask BOTH Senator McCain and Senator Obama to make a major and defining speech
about the rule of law.
I want to hear from both
of them, or at least one of them, that cutting a great swath through our laws to get at the Devil does NOT protect us. Indeed, it will leave us defenseless.
I would beg anyone
who reads this to ask of both candidates, “Where do you stand on the rule of law?” And
please don’t accept simple bromides. I’d also ask that you spread this blog as
far as you can.
We can’t pretend that
the damage hasn’t been done. If we just “move on,” the laws that have been flattened
will remain flattened. And the path to our destruction will be that much easier
for man or Devil to walk.
(edited for two typos from the first posting)