A Covenant
and Six Fundamental Assumptions
We covenant
to respect, nurture and support all within this our Interfaith community, founded upon compassionate action in the world. We base our covenant upon the following assumptions:
1) There
is a spiritual core to the universe that calls us to our better selves if we will listen.
Some may have a belief that this spiritual core is God and may have a clear belief as to who or what God is. Others may believe in a God who is less clearly defined. Still
others may view this spiritual core in terms of a life-force or moral imperative, with no thought of God at all.
While each of us must define the meaning of our own lives, we understand, accept and embrace as self-evident
that we are our brother's and sister's keeper, that we must strive daily to treat each other with honor, with respect
and with love, and we recognize that this is what Jesus, Confucius, Hillel, the Buddha, Muhammad and so many others
sought to teach us.
A part of that fundamental respect is to honor the multitude of spiritual paths that our fellow men and women
have traveled and will travel.
We are defined by how we act and whom we help. We are called to
act with compassion, love and respect not only within our community but within the entirety of the human community.
Economic, racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientation and all such divisions have no spiritual
relevance, and any hierarchy based on them is both baseless and harmful.
The earth is our home, regardless of its creation history, and we are called upon to act as stewards and guardians
of its wonders and diversity so that all generations may experience its profound beauty and richness to the fullest.