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Books of Interest


(These books suppose that most readers turning to these pages are from the Judeo-Christian tradition)



Easy First Steps


Relating to People of Other Religions (What Every Christian Needs to Know) by M. Thomas Thangaraj


If you are very new to the concept of interfaith (or have a friend who is), this is a good place to start.  It deals with very natural questions about how Christianity might relate to the other religions, and does so both with compassion and with respect.


Divinity and Diversity by Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki


A very accessible book that is, as its cover states, “A Christian Affirmation of Religious Pluralism.”  I love this book.


Getting to the Heart of Interfaith by Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Sheikh Jamal Rahman

This is a wonderful and eloquent expression both of the need for interfaith dialogue and how three beautiful souls accomplished it.  It is both an inspiration and a "how to" book in one.




A Bit More Challenging


Encountering God by Diana Eck


A scholarly work, but accessible.  It ardently explores the author’s journey, as a Christian, to a pluralistic view of spirituality.


Acts of Faith by Eboo Patel

Less scholarly but no less ardent or well written than Eck’s book, it explores the author’s journey, as an American Muslim, to a pluralistic view of spirituality – with a engaging and insightful focus on the crucial importance of Interfaith and youth.


Fundamentalism as an Ecumenical Challenge edited by Hans Küng and Jürgen Moltmann


A rational look at fundamentalism in Judaism and Christianity as well as Islam.  It explores the challenges each places to dialogue.  Its calm, non-demonizing, approach to the subject allows a real opportunity for enlightenment.  That the book is out of print is a scandal.  There may a few, outrageously expensive copies available somewhere.  Demand a new printing!


No Religion Is an Island (The Nostra Aetate Dialogues) edited by Edward Bristow

Five years of fascinating interfaith dialogues between top flight Catholic and Jewish scholars.  A superb model for interfaith dialogue in that it shows that it is NOT necessary always to agree -- but it is essential to be respectful.   Truly a “must read.”






The Fragrance of Faith by Jamal Rahman


If you’re looking for a good, heart-felt introduction to Islam, this is your book.


Approaching the Qur’an introduced and translated by Michael Sells


If you’re looking for an good introduction to the Qur’an (Koran), this is your book.


The American Muslim Teenager's Handbook by Dilara Hafiz, Yasmine Hafiz and Imran Hafiz

This is a delightful handbook not only for American Muslim teenagers, but any teenager who would like an engaging introduction to Islam.  And a pretty terrific general introduction for those of us who aren't quite teenagers any more.   




The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh


The best introduction to Buddhism that I know.


The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh


A wonderful introduction into the world of meditation.




Old Turtle and the Broken Truth by Douglas Wood

A beautiful introduction to Interfaith for children.