BSA Troop 339 - Prairieton, IN

Our Purpose
Upcoming Events
Contact Us

We are always looking for people interested in joining our Troop.

How Can You Join?

Visit us at one of our meetings, or stop by the local Boy Scout Headquarters at 501 S 25th Street, Terre Haute, IN to fill out an application and get started on your Scouting adventure.

Meetings are held each Monday from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM at the Prairieton United Methodist Church, 3720 W Kennett Drive, Prairieton, IN.

Benefits of Joining

In the Boy Scout program, boys learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects, and community service. Scouting fosters self-esteem, a sense of value and belonging, a sense of accountability, and teamwork.
The program builds boys mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. The skills they learn in Scouting help them overcome obstacles and challenges with courage and character throughout their lives.

Who Can Join?

Boy Scouting is for boys ages 11 to 17.

Boy Scouts of America * Wabash Valley District * 501 S 25th Street * Terre Haute, IN