Welcome to BloomingtonMikes Shop and House pictures! Click pictures to see full
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Click here for pictures of the latest projects and tools Mike is working with on his hobby farm!
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My awesome 4 year old daughter Megan.
Two car wide four car+ deep detached shop for woodworking
The NEW shop layout
The CNC Machine I built from a set of Joes 4X4 Hybrid Rack and Pinion plans - cutting area is 49"X62".
Laguna T1002S Sliding Table Tilting Spindle 5hp shaper
Sawstop - and Dewalt tracksaw station (use foam to break down panels - pic of tracksaw and 102" track coming)
Picture of my current DC (one of them) and of my storage cabinet where I keep a lot of drills and chargers and my shop
Assembly table, outfeed table and behind saw is my wooden assembly parts storage rack
Picture of my jointer and planer
Picture showing my router table. It is tall enough to let the wood pass through the planer and not have the router in
the way.
Picture of the JLT panel rack and to its left is the JLT panel flatner. Air compressors are also there. They run teh
flatner, Foreman, and teh air clamps. JLT rack also stores my Sawstop fence while I am breaking down sheet goods. The 18 clamps
are 40" and can mount on 5 different levels of the rack.
Back side of the rack has my Kreg Foreman and the Face Frame tables. I also added air clamps.
Machine storage for shopsmith, powerstation, OSS, Floor mortiser, and Horizontal mortiser. Wood storage above all
of this
Shows back bench (very messy - next on clean up list!), MM20 bandsaw, 5hp shaper, Jet moulder.
Newest wood rack and teh stand that will become my Hitachi Chop Saw station. Also shows Drill press and cyclone (install
planned for late spring).
Other older pictures of shop and tools below.
Johnny, my 3320 Deere in his heated home.