Welcome to USNRaptor's

Jane's Fighters Anthology

Installation Guide for 

Windows 10 & 11 Users.

This website does not represent, nor has any official affiliation with Jane's Information Group nor Electronic Arts. 

Legal Notice 1 :  Prior to downloading any ISO files from the provided links, you affirm that you own a legal hard copy of Electronic Arts Jane's Fighters Anthology, and assume all legal risk involved in downloading the software copy of said program.

Legal Notice 2 :  The user assumes all risks involved in following any advice given on this website.  The advice is given on a "good faith" basis only.  No guarantees are implied nor given. 



Installation : The following is a list of the steps involved in installing Jane's Fighters Anthology, Classic Edition, onto a typical Win10 system:

1.  Download the two Fighters Anthology  ISO files: Fighters Anthology Blue.ISO and Fighters Anthology Red.ISO .  Save them in a convenient-to-find location.

2.  In Windows Explorer, find 'Fighters Anthology Blue.ISO'.  Right-click on it, and left-click 'Mount'.

3.  In Windows Explorer, find the now mounted Fighters Anthology disk.  An example would look like: 'DVD Drive (E:) FA_1_00F'. 

3a.  {Optional, but highly recommended}  Go to your computer's date/time settings, and change the year to '1998'.

4.  Go to the location in step 3.  Double left-click on the 'Autorun' application (aka Autorun.exe).  The Fighters Anthology installation menu will pop-up.

5.   At the top of the menu, click 'Proceed'.  Now, click 'Install'.  When given the choice of music, choose 'Full Install-Digital Music'.

5a.  At some point soon, the install program is going to mention something about 'Windows System32' (or similar).  Go ahead and click ok; it will not hurt your computer.

6.  When asked, choose the location you want the game installed on your computer.

7 .   When asked, ** do NOT install Direct X ** .  Just click 'Next'.

8.  At this point, Fighters Anthology is installed (if successful).  HOWEVER, you are not done yet. Return to the Autorun installation menu (as described in step 4).

9.  Click 'Patch'.  Click 'Install'.  Follow the instruction given by the install program.

10.   Once the Patch is installed, click 'OK'.  In menu, click 'Back'.  You should now be back on the menu page.  Feel free to explore around.  When you are finished, click 'Quit'.

11.   Go to the Fighters Anthology icon (assuming it's on your desktop).  Double left-click on icon to start game.  Do NOT click anything whatsoever until the Jane's intro video starts playing. Interrupting the game start-up process can cause the game to crash and / or lock-up your system.

12.  Test the game for functionality.

12a.  If you changed your clock year in step 3a, then change your clock year back to the current year.  You will never need to do this again.


If you were unable to successfully install and run the game after carefully following this installation guide, I recommend you join our Discord and politely ask for help in the #Fighters Anthology section.



Loading the game :  The next time you start your computer and go to play Fighters Anthology, you will need to mount the 'Fighters Anthology Blue.ISO' like you did in step 2.  Now, you can start the game as you did in Step 11.

If / when you decide to view the Reference section in Fighters Anthology, you will need to exit the game.  Then, mount 'Fighters Anthology Red.ISO' in the same manner as the Blue disk.  Return to Fighters Anthology and click the 'Reference' button.  When you want to return to flying, you will need to exit the game and remount the Blue disk.

Need to read the Fighters Anthology manual ?   A digital copy of it is located on the 'Fighters Anthology Blue.ISO' in the 'eDocs' folder.

If you attempt to play the Ukraine Campaign and run into game crash and / or video play issues, contact our Discord or e-mail me and politely ask  for help.



For Advanced Users :

If you ever plan to play Fighters Anthology using some of the various custom modifications, often referred to as "Mods" or "Libs",  it is highly recommended that prior to doing so, you go to your Fighters Anthology folder and make a copy of the folder (and its contents).  Give the folder a separate name.  You can make as many copies as you wish.  There is no need to run the installation program nor mess with the computer clock.

When you download Mods or Libs to try in Fighters Anthology, be sure to look for instructions inside the .zip file (example: ReadMe.txt), and then actually, carefully read and follow those instructions.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

Q uestion :  Do I have to install a separate program in order to "Mount" the ISOs ? 

A nswer :  No.  Windows 10 has this ability already built into its operating system.


Question :  Some people insist I install a "No CD Patch".  What is it, and is it needed to run the game ?

Answer :  The "No CD Patch" is a user-created mod that contains some of the library (aka LIB) files Fighters Anthology accesses for the Blue Disk ISO in order to run.

Some users have reported success using this patch.  I, however, have run into problems using the "No CD Patch" in the past (though my memory does not recall specifically what they were).  I prefer not to use the "No CD Patch".  It has been my experience mounting the ISO helps Fighters Anthology run properly in all aspects of gameplay. 

 The "No CD Patch" is NOT required to run Fighters Anthology.  Following the steps outlined in the text above works just fine.


Question :  I followed the directions exactly, started the game, and as soon as I clicked to play a mission, the game crashes.  Now what ?

Answer :  Some users have had success by installing and using a program called "DxWnd."  If you need assistance, you can contact our Discord  and politely ask  for help.  After receiving that help, be sure to thank those who spent their personal time to assist you.  Also, we ask that you give feedback as to whether the info was helpful or not.


Q uestion :  Okay, what is the deal with optional step 3a?  Why would I need to reset the computer clock?

Answer :  This step is for users who plan to use other users' mods, including USNRaptor Playset(s).  Fighters Anthology (FA) is programmed to read the newest files available.  When you install FA, it will date the files with the date set on your computer.  When you add other users' mod files, your computer may date those files with their original dates.  When you go to play FA, the game will read the newest file. If the default object has a newer date than the modded object (with the same file name), the game will only read the newest object; which, in this case, is the default object.


Let's say you install FA without resetting the computer clock temporarily.  The default .LIB files will be dated year 2025.  You go and find a really cool mod (aka Lib) from 2002 that has an F-15 (F15.PT) that zoom climbs to 100,000 ft, has a super-fast firing gun (M61.JT), and an anti-satellite missile (ASAT.JT). 

You copy the mod file(s) into your FA folder, as is (dated year 2002).  Now, you go to play FA to test the mod.  What happens? 

Since FA reads the newest file, you will NOT be flying the mod's zoom-climbing F-15.  You will be flying the default F-15.  You will NOT have the super-fast firing gun.  The gun will be the slow-firing default M61.  However, since the ASAT missile is not a default item, it will appear in the game and function properly.

You see?  The game read the newest files.  In the case of the F-15 and M61 gun, the default files were the newest.

If you installed FA using the optional step 3a (resetting the clock), the mod files would be the newest files.  You would get the zoom-climb F-15, the super-fast firing gun, and the anti-satellite missile.

The worst part of not resetting the clock during install is, if you are not intimately familiar with the mod, you will never know a problem exist and will assume the mod's creator was making false claims.


This page is dedicated to Duosoft's David C. Maschino (the developer of the Fighters Anthology Toolkit), and to the loyal developers, modders, and fans of the US Navy Fighters series.

Thank You for making this series the greatest flight sim of all time.

I can be contacted at ocsdor@yahoo.com  as well as at Discord FARC Forum, and/or VNFA Wing forum .  Please feel free to contact me regarding any manners associated with this campaign, Fighters Anthology, and/or this website.


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