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Celebrate Recovery Activities

Superman Days

We spent two days in Metropolis giving away free water and handing out fliers, was a great time


We had fun setting up our booth in front of Hummas Drug Store. Below you will see Lisa taping down handouts for display so the wind didn't carry them away.


All kinds of sharing took place over the duration of the weekend including what was rummered to be a concocksion of Armidillo, Ratlesnake, Pork various green vegetables, and peppers. Man that stuff was GOOD!! whatever it was.


I mean GOOOOOOOD!!! to the point that I think I hurt myself. Whhhheeew!


Sharing COLD water and the LOVE of Jesus is a great way to spend a weekend with friends.


A lot of information was gathered up for this event such as location and starting times for groups in Illinois and Kentucky that are well within reasonable driving distance, we are nearing the point to having all seven days of the week covered with a meeting. We also had information related to many different hurts, habits, and hangups.


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