How to place an order
IT'S EASY: Click here to send an email
to me Include the following :
- the name and item number and price of each bracelet - how many gift bags you'd like if any 50 cents
each - the shipping option - your preferred method of payment - your first and last name
I'll verify that your items are in stock and prepare a PayPal invoice to arrive in your email inbox. Once
you recieve the invoice, you can go to and make your payment.
Payment method:
I accept PayPal payments - that's
the quickest. Paypal can also process your payment, even if you don't have an account set up with them. I also accept money
orders, but that process is not nearly as quick.
Blessings! Pam
Privacy Policy
Contact information including email address, telephone number, address, etc. provided by you, is used solely
for the purpose of completing the order. Occasionally we send email announcements to advise you of a sale or a change in website
location or email address.
Information pertaining to gift recipients is also kept confidential. Your personal financial information
including credit card numbers and expiration dates are known only to PayPal, who is our payment processor. Your
shipping address is used solely for the purpose of shipping your order to you.