1996 Summer Camp

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Picture of my father and I standing by his Winnebago camper.

Similar shot as above.

My father and I doing some lake fishing with me rowing the boat.  Beautiful photo taken by Uncle Bob.

Since we were hard luck American fishermen, my father hired a Canadian guide.  Here is a shot with the three of us in the guide's boat.

A snapshot of the American hardluck fishermen, left to right, Uncle Bob, myself and Dad.

Beautiful mountain scenery.

A great photo of Uncle Bob and myself.

One of many lakes around Kamloop, British Columbia.

Here is a picture of me at a boat ramp.

Another beautiful shot of mountain scenery.

Dad is either admiring the view or contemplating.  Perhaps he is doing both.

Beatiful lake scenery.

Uncle Bob fishing in the distance at Kamloop River.

Dad fishing at Kamloop River.

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