We are a group of mothers, teachers, aides, caretakers and family members brought together for the love of the autistic
and/or handicapped child in our lives. Our common goal is to see an increase in awareness in our community of these
children, so they are not shunned socially and have access to all the benefits that living in our wonderful American society
affords everyone else. We know the absolute joy of being a part of these childrens' lives, and want to let everyone
else not blessed with one of these children know what it is like, too.
We were formed to be a support network to other parents struggling with raising a child with unique needs. There
is a lot that goes into raising a special child, and parents taking on this task need support and information. Our members
come from various walks of life and bring valuable life experience to our group. If you have come looking for someone
that understands, or someone that can help you muddle through the social system, go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief.
We can help. Odds are we've been there before, and if we haven't been there before, we can still help.
Mission Statement
We are committed to supporting our community’s disabled citizens. We offer comfort and support to those families
struggling with difficulties above and beyond life’s usual obstacles. Our Group will accept members of any age, ability/disability,
race, ethnicity or social status. We are Special People Exceptional Children
Together Realizing Unique