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Welcome to Bob's Toys!
We pride ourselves on providing customers with very high quality products.  We hope you get as much enjoyment out of using our products as we get providing them for you.

We sell a heater for humming bird feeders, called the Feeder Heater. (Patent Pending).  This is a high-quality unit that any standard commercially-available hummingbird feeder can hang from.  The Feeder Heater keeps your humming bird feeder from freezing in cold weather (down to about 15 -20 degrees F., or 12 - 17 degrees below freezing.)

Feeder Heater product with a common type feeder

Although some hummingbird species migrate to warmer climes for the winter, most don't and need food to make it through the winter.  The problem is that feeding them in sub-freezing temperatures is iffy at best; the sugar water or nectar mix they eat will freeze at just below the freezing point of water, keeping the hummingbirds from feeding and often breaking the feeder as well.
The feeder heater not only keeps the food liquid, it provides a space for the birds to warm themselves.  As a nice bonus, the birds look incredible under the light; hummingbirds have iridescent feathers which explode in color under the light of the feeder heater!

These are pictures of hummingbirds under the Feeder Heater.

