Connecting on a personal level is an important part of sharing ideas. Here are some details about the people behind our
Our Officers and Trustees
Front row, trustees: Charles Merriman, Darwin Krill, Ron Sechler. Back row, officers: Pat Strouse, vice president;
Shirley Krill, president; Rita Sechler, treasurer. Not pictured: Priscilla Merriman, secretary.
If you would like to become a member of the Edgerton Historical Society,
call the contact number or email below.
Annual Membership
Become a member of the Edgerton Historical Society for a donation of $10.
You can join by calling the contact number, send an email or attend the next meeting.
419 298-3122 -
Make a Donation
You may also donate money, historical photos or historical artifacts to
the society. We now have a museum to display these items for public viewing. Your donations
will help make all of these plans become a reality.
are held three or four times each year
along with occasional open house evenings.