A Few Pictures of Making Spoons
People seem to like spoons made of walnut but most any wood will work.
The harder the wood the brighter the click.
Note the spoon patterns drawn on taped blocks on the band saw table.
A rough cut spoon in the clamp ready to have the bowel gouged out. Above, some of the spoons have been gouged and
some not. None have had the bottoms rounded.
Finishing the spoons to final shape is
most easily done on a belt sander as shown on the left but can also be done with a rasp or file as shown on the right. Either method then requires a final sanding by hand or flap sander to achieve a smooth
finish. I do not finish the inside of the bowel of the spoons, but just let the
gouge marks show.
If you would like a page of instructions on making spoons, download the GIF file of the page shown below and print
it. (Just right click on the drawing below, then click "Print Picture" or "Save Picture As").