Today is

Time to play . . .

The House Game . . .

Whose House is it?

The pictured mobile home is Dad and Mom's first real home--a 16-foot beauty. They purchased it in 1940 and raised their first three children under these cozy conditions.
Aunt Anna models in front of our quaint abode while holding her daughter Martha.
This home did serve us well while we children were young (and small). However our expanding family is pushing out the seams of our little 16-foot home and finding larger accommodations becomes necessary. In 1944, Dad finds a one-story home on South Anderson Street in Pontiac.

Now . . .

Can you identify who lives in each of these houses?

Get all correct and WIN a fantastic prize!

If you are ready, select one choice for each house pictured:

House A House B House C House D House E House F
hsA hsB hsC hsD hsE hsF
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)
 Don's House
 Joanie's House
 Doug's House
 Denny's House
 Bob's House
 Janet's House
 (none of above)

Are you ready to try for the BIG prize?

Good Luck!


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