
Remembering Our Brother . . .

John Robert Gregg  (1951 - 1994)

* April 26, 1994, Brother Johnny dies in Vermilion, the town where he grew up. *
Remembering Johnny. . .

February 3, 1951, John Robert Gregg is born at St. Joseph Hospital in Lorain, Ohio, the seventh child of Donald Cecil Gregg and Josephine (Zbin) Gregg.

In 1951, Johnny is baptized at St. Mary Catholic Church in Vermilion.

Johnny enters first grade at Vermilion Elementary School in September 1957.


A proud moment in May of 1960 when Johnny receives First Holy Communion from Father Cletus Gates at St. Mary Church in Vermilion. Observe that expression of innocence and excitement.

On March 29, 1965, Vermilion School provides visual proof positive that John really is attending school and has achieved the 8th grade.
(Johnny= 2nd row from back, 5th from left)


Johnny graduates from Vermilion High School in June 1969.

Shortly after graduation, Johnny enrolls in International Data Center, a training center for IBM.

He remains at the Center until August 1970, when it closes.

Johnny was in a lot of weddings. Alas, always a groomsman, never a groom. Johnny is always the "buddy" of any newcomer. Everyone is his friend.

In the spring of 1984, Johnny suffers a ruptured aneurysm in Vermilion resulting in a partial paralysis of his right side. He spends several days in the hospital.

One night, family members keep arriving to visit Johnny until 18 visitors are present, a record for that hospital (which has a limit of two visitors).

Some of his nephews and nieces pose with Johnny. Is all the attention wearing him down or he is thinking, "What did I do to have to put up with all this?"


Cars... cars... cars...

Seems as though Johnny constantly needs a newer car. That is, a car, truck, ATV (all terrain vehicle), motorcycle, whatever.

Here he is cleaning out his Monte.

Johnny was heavily involved volunteering with high school athletics, assisting the teams and players whenever he could.

On April 16, 1994, Mom and Johnny drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to visit Don and his family, returning on Sunday, the 17th. While in Fort Wayne, Don and Johnny window shop the new cars. Johnny talks about being ready to trade his Monte for a newer model. The day after returning to Vermilion, Johnny cannot be found and is reported missing. Two days later, on April 20, his car is found parked in downtown Vermilion.

On April 26, 1994, a man finds Johnny drowned and floating in the Vermilion River, his hands handcuffed behind his back, duct tape across his mouth, his jacket pulled down over his hands, and his wallet missing.

Although it seems like an intuitive case of murder, the Vermilion Police Chief strongly suggests suicide.

   [Two interesting notes are cited here:
(1) Johnny's right arm is totally paralyzed, a result of his 1984 aneurysm, and
(2) a suicide keeps Vermilion's perfect no-murders record.]

Johnny is 43.

His funeral is held April 30, conducted by Father Stephen J. Blum at St. Mary Church and by Fisher's Funeral Home in Vermilion. He is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery in Vermilion.


Johnny - a friend to everyone, everyone's friend.

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