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Hugh Herrington


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CAREER SUMMARY                                                                                                                

Complete Software Development Life Cycle experience in software development in multiple roles including over 16 years at a leading international transportation logistics and supply chain company. I also have an additional 16 years experience as a Software Development Lead, Systems Analyst, Programmer/Analyst and Software Engineer for several different Software Development Companies.


TECHNICAL SKILLS SUMMARY                                                                                              


Systems and Data Integration (ETL), VB6 to .Net Conversions, EDI Applications, Transportation Logistics, Air Freight Forwarding, Shipment Tracking, Warehousing, Inventory Control, U.S. Customs, DBMS development, integrated manufacturing, point of sale, telephone billing, delivery scheduling, accounts receivable, petroleum cardlock control, payroll, order entry, accounts payable, and general ledger.



·         Visual Studio.NET (Versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, and 3.5) - 6 years; Includes: C#, VB.NET, WinForms, ADO.NET, DAAB, VSTO, and ASP.NET;

·         Visual Studio (Versions 3, 4, 5, and 6) - 15 years; Includes: Visual Basic, WinForms, ADO, ODBC, DCOM, VSS, and Windows Services;

·         VBA and VBS - 9 years; Includes: MS Access, Excel and Forms;

·         EDI – 16 years; Includes: ASC X.12 (810, 820, 850, 856, 857, 859, 997) UN/EDIFACT (INVOIC, IFTSTA, IFTMCS, CUSDEC, PAYEXT, ORDERS, DESADV, REMADV);

·         C - 13 years;

·         Crystal Reports (Visual Studio Versions 3, 4, 5, 6, and .Net) – 7 years;

·         Perl – 1 year



·         Oracle  (7, 8, 9, & 10)– 16 years, Toad, SQL Navigator, PL/SQL, and Embedded SQL;

·         SQL Server – 4 years, SQL Server Reporting Services;

·         MS Access, VBA and Forms- 9 years;

·         SQLite (System.Data.Sqlite) – 1 year

·         Informix SQL-4GL - 2 years



Microsoft Windows (all versions including CE), MSDOS, UNIX



Systems and hardware integration via programs, device drivers, WCF,  and protocol design. This includes: EDI (ASC X.12, UN/EDIFACT, SPEC2000, WINS, TDCC, and ABI), various system to system interfaces (Systems Integration, ETL), Working technical knowledge of Internet, RS232, ARCNet, X.25/X.28, EtherNet, SDLC, HDLC (LAP A & B), and various types of protocol/EDI conversion.


CAREER EXPERIENCE                                                                                                           

 IT Consultant                                                                  12/08 - Present

·         Conversion of VB6 applications to VB.NET using Visual Studio 2008

·         Complete replacement of VB6 controls including ADO, Excel, MSFlexGrid and MSChart with .Net 3.5 counterparts

·         Created Visual Basic interface to WinCal XE

·         Tools Used: Visual Studio.Net (Version 3.5), VB.NET, WinForms, ADO.NET, and  Visual Basic 6, SQL Server 2005, VSTO



Senior Developer/Analyst                                        09/07 - 02/08

·         C#, VB.NET, and VBA programming for the transfer of data between various databases and Microsoft Excel

·         Created .Net base-tier database and I/O interface coding classes

·         Created a automated SMTP interface for the distribution of files

·         Converted application base from VB6 to .NET

·         Tools Used: Visual Studio.Net (Versions 2.0), C#, VB.NET, WinForms, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET, VBA, Excel, VSTO, VBS, Visual Basic 6, .NET, Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2000/05



 Senior Programmer Analyst                                11/04 - 10/06

·         Converted VB6 and ASP applications to .Net (including WinForms to WebForms conversion)

·         Maintained various international applications including: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT-EDI), Automated Data Distribution, Data Integration (ETL), Purchase Order-CASS, International Customs Clearance Interfaces, Shipment Tracking

·         Tools Used: Visual Basic 6, ADO, ODBC, DCOM, VSS, and Services, Crystal Reports ,Perl, Visual Studio.Net (Versions 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0), C#, VB.NET, WinForms, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000, EDI (UN/EDIFACT, ASC X.12), Oracle (7, 8, & 9), Toad, SQL Navigator, PL/SQL, VBA, Excel


 Systems Analyst/Developer               12/90 - 11/04

·         Complete SDLC of many transportation logistics applications including: EDI Interfaces (UN/EDIFACT, ASC X.12), Data Integration (ETL), Electronic Funds Transfer, Automated Data Distribution, International Customs Interfaces, Communications Interfaces, Shipment Tracking, International Export System

·         IT advisor to European Global Sales based in Europe

·         Assisted on the creation of Window software coding standards

·         Created original interface based N-tier coding model

·         Tools Used: Visual Basic 6, .ADO, ODBC, DCOM, VSS, Services, and Crystal Reports; Visual Studio.Net (Versions 1.0, 1.1), VB.NET, WinForms, ADO.NET, and ASP.NET; EDI (UN/EDIFACT, ASC X.12), Oracle (7, 8, & 9), Toad, SQL Navigator, PL/SQL, Embedded SQL, “C” (MSDOS), Perl, VBA, VBS, Excel


 Software Development Lead                                      10/88-10/90

·         Developed the user interface and data transfer for a U.S. Customs clearance software system

·         Created a software development group

·         Tools Used: “C” (MSDOS), Informix 4GL, Embedded SQL


 Senior Programmer/Analyst                                                                          87-88

·         Assisted in the development of a Oracle based automated warehouse systems

·         Developed the data  interface between the warehouse system and automated ground vehicles

·         Tools Used: “C” (UNIX), Oracle, Embedded SQL


 Vice Pres., Software Development               85-87

·         Development of Point of Sale system video and record stores

·         Created interfaces to various cash registers and drawers, and bar code readers

·         Tools Used: “C” (MSDOS), B-tree


 Vice Pres., Systems Development                          82-85

·         Designed, programmed, installed, and maintained a real time interface to digital telephone switching equipment

·         Designed and supervised the programming and implementation of SwitchLink a long distance costing and billing package for telephone companies

·         Tools Used: Databus, DASL


 Senior Programmer/Analyst                                         80-82 

·         Designed, and implemented a Degree Day Delivery Schedule  System for Heating Oil companies

·         Designed and programmed various system enhancement software mostly for monitoring the efficiency and security of Datapoint's ARCNet Local Area Network

·         Tools Used: Databus, DASL, SNAP-3



Programmer/Analyst                                                                                77-80 

·         Maintained and designed modifications to existing DIBOL accounting packages including A/R, A/P, O/E, and Inventory Control

·         Assisted  in the design and implementation of SDBL a structured  DIBOL  precompiler written in assembler

·         Tools Used: Dibol, Macro-11




Lane Community College: Data Processing

Fullerton Community College: Cardio-Pulmonary Technology

California State College at Fullerton: Statistics