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Christian Resources

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16



Southwest Radio Church Ministries - A wonderful radio ministry operating out of Bethany, OK that has been going continuously since 1933. They have many excellent speakers and offer relevant materials that will help you apply the Berean spirit of Acts 17:11, "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so."

Jack Van Impe - Another 'media ministry,' they focus on producing television programs and videos on a wide variety of current events/news (local and international) and how it relates to Bible prophecy. An excellent ministry for helping you understand the signs of the times and the lateness of the hour.


Answers in Genesis - Without a doubt, one of the premier resources available online or offline for understanding the truth of the Biblical account of creation and the message of the Bible. AIG's website is packed with articles and information appropriate for all levels of understanding. Ken Ham and the rest of the AIG family offer curriculum, devotionals, book reviews, etc. in addition to excellent video and taped materials that will give you confidence in the authority of God's word 'from the very first verse.' Be sure to check out the exciting creation museum project they are working on.

Creation Science Evangelism - CSE has produced some great books and videos and offers others as well that will assist your creation apologetics. Dr. Kent Hovind has a humorous speaking style and comes from the background and perspective of being a science teacher.

Christian: Legal & Political

American Center of Law and Justice - The ACLJ is dedicated to protecting your constitutional and religious freedoms. They provide legal assistance and produce a variety of resource materials including newsletters, daily radio broadcasts, and a weekly television program to keep you informed of the positive and negative developments in the areas of our constitutional religious rights and freedoms.

Christian: Reverent Music

Logos Resource Pages - A 'no-apologies' ministry, here you will find some hard-hitting articles and videos about a wide variety of issues important to Christians in the world today. I've seen some of the Jeff Godwin videos on rock music (whether 'Christian' or not), and you cannot escape the conclusion that the world has crept into Christian's lives as well as the church through the music they listen to after prayerfully considering this issue and some of these materials.

The Apologetics Group - Producer of a large selection of similar videos to Jeff Godwin's, Eric Holmberg does an absolutely convincing (and convicting) job of documenting the damage done by rock music in our culture. Some have used these to save their teenager from going off the deep end.  (His ministry used to be called R2Ministries, and he distributed materials through an organization called The Art of the Covenant.)

Bible Versions

The Bible For Today - We've had the pleasure of meeting Dr. & Mrs. Waite in person and of listening to some of his presentations. We have reviewed a number of his research materials on Scripture, Bible versions, and why the King James Version is the only true, preserved Word of God. His documentation is extensive and indisputable. If you use a version other than the KJV and would like to know what you've been missing, this should be one of your stops.

A. V. Publications - Gail Riplinger's website offers a plethora of materials that she has painstakingly researched regarding the 'questionable practices and claims by new (Bible) versions.' In addition, she offers an array of materials compiled by others in this most important field of maintaining the integrity of God's word.


I apologize for the brevity of this list, believe me I have more to include. But at this time I need to repost my site/submit my coursework; I'll be back...



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