Another work in process. Along with media sharing, this area may serve as an exploration in online entrepreneurship of sorts. I hope to put pictures and descriptions of items others might be interested in here. Of course, it'll help when the digital camera that I've been looking at goes on sale or drops enough in price that I can afford it.
I have successfully transferred things through third party sites that allow free or low cost online listings (e.g., Craigslist, Ebay, etc.) but that have either lacked or limited a way to provide pictures or detailed information on them. I'm hoping that having a place to point interested parties to will be a positive test of the power of the Internet to assist in this area.
More later...
Since my children are a bit older and seemed to enjoy looking over my shoulder as I put together the original website, we'll be working together on some pages of interest to them and including them for others to review and learn from (especially Grandmothers and cousins) if/when we can find some time...
As we can get something together, I plan to post it here. For now GI Joe, NASCAR, and trains seem to be likely topics...
Among other things, the first course introduced me to the concept and construction of online instructional units. These can take a number of different forms and include exploring particular topics, developing research skills, and solving problems.
Learning units that I have put together are on this page. You will find an example of a Subject Sampler which is pretty much what it sounds like, a list of sites/resources that one can pick and choose from in becoming familiar with a given subject. And even more basic than that, is an example of how the Internet can be used as a classroom resource to teach from, which in itself makes learning more interesting and involved.
There are also a few Webquest units on a variety of topics, and generally speaking they are more involved than a Subject Sampler. The page gives a short description of what a Webquest is, how one is organized, and what they should aid in accomplishing. There are many sources for Webquests already online as well as resources for putting your own together. I hope to add links to some of these as time goes on.
I like the idea of a paper product to guide students in their online research as well as help them to compile the data they collect. The Webquests that I have created include a 'Data Collection Form' that can be printed out and used for this purpose.
My first attempt at an online course can also be found on this page. If you are interested in learning about digitizing video, I would invite you to take a look at it.
One of the first things I did was to compile a small 'hotlist' containing Internet resources of interest to someone who home schools. They were presented as a beginning website and were my first try at online publishing.
They are displayed in a way similar to that originally presented for a class project since my children assisted somewhat in the design and I'd hate to disappoint them. It was a fun use of the Internet and has inspired me to continue doing more 'online publishing' with them.
I haven't checked the links for awhile but hope that they are all still good and that they continue to be a rich source of information for those interested or active in home schooling.
As I find helpful resources I will try to get them added in this area...
My website began as a way to submit/showcase projects required for some teacher-ed courses that I took a few years ago. (A couple of these being from Frank Odasz in case you were interested in learning more about them). I have both taught and administered in public schools in Alaska and Washington and am now involved in home schooling my children.
Recognizing the potential benefits and dangers of utilizing online resources in education helped motivate me to pursue these courses. Their main focus involved educator utilization of the Internet to provide for or enhance the education experience, and this site includes some of my learning and projects as I traversed the courses.
Like all of us, it is a work in process and I hope to add more links and content as I am able. I sincerely hope that you find something here that assists you as you fulfill your God-given right and responsibility to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6.
You guessed it, this is the area for great Christian websites and resources that will better enable you to "...sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear..." - 1 Peter 3:15
Family - The Boys |
Christian Resources |
If you have constructive comments or suggestions about my site that you'd like to share, perhaps other sites I should consider linking to or feedback on one of the educational activities that you tried, I'd enjoy hearing from you.