
My website began as a way to submit/showcase projects required for some teacher-ed courses that I took a few years ago.  (A couple of these being from Frank Odasz in case you were interested in learning more about them). I have both taught and administered in public schools in Alaska and Washington and am now involved in home schooling my children. 

Recognizing the potential benefits and dangers of utilizing online resources in education helped motivate me to pursue these courses. Their main focus involved educator utilization of the Internet to provide for or enhance the education experience, and this site includes some of my learning and projects as I traversed the courses.

Like all of us, it is a work in process and I hope to add more links and content as I am able. I sincerely hope that you find something here that assists you as you fulfill your God-given right and responsibility to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6.


Home School Resources
Educational Activities
Family - The Boys


Christian Resources



Remember, you're more than a number to God!

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