Consolidated Insurance Services

Term Life

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Term Life can be used for many things, it most commonly is used as Mortage Insurance.  It can however, be used for Surviorship of business or entity.

Mortage Insurance has three types of plans
  • Decreasing Term - The Death Benefit decreases over the life of the product (usually coinsiding with a Mortage that decreases as it is paid off). 
  • Increasing Term - The Death Benefit increases over the life of the product.  The death benefit will increase as the business grows and becomes more valuable.
  • Level Term - The Death Benefit stays at the current rate regardless of the life of the product, and will pay a full death benefit.

Most plans require Medical exams over $150,000 death benefit. 
Riders Available Include but not limited to the following:
Return of Premium - repays owner all premiums paid
Accelerated Death Benefit* - advances a portion of eligible proceeds prior to the covered person's death due to a Terminal Illness.
Accidental Disability Income** - May provide a monthly income if the Insured is totally disabled from an accident.
Accidental Death Benefit - provides additional death benefit if death is a result of an accident.
Children's Term - provides level term life protection for eligilbe children.
Waiver of Premium - waives the premium if the primary insured becomes totally disabled for at least 6 months.
Paid-up Addition - provides Guaranteed Paid Up insurance coverage up to the age 95 for insuranced purchased on a single premium.
* Included at no additional premium charge
** Has Excluded occupations for Rider

For a free quote please contact us at (503) 936-8905 or email us at

Kyle Rogers Insurance * 1075 NW 123rd Ave #2 * Portland, OR * 97229

Your local independent agents serving Oregon & Washington